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PowerLeaf - a bacterial solar battery



About our wiki


Welcome to our wiki! We are the IGEM team from the University of Southern Denmark. We have been waiting with great anticipation for the chance to introduce you to our project, to show you our iGEM experiences, and to tell you our story. It all began with a meeting between a group of strangers - each with their own disciplinary origin. Despite our differences, we had one thing in common. A shared interest in synthetic biology. We were soon herded off to a weekend in a cottage, far away from our regular lives. It was a place to bond, and to discuss project ideas. It immediately became apparent, that being an interdisciplinary team, was going to be our strength. Each member had unique qualities, that enabled them to efficiently tackle different aspects of the iGEM competition. So we made it our goal to take advantage of these qualities.
We came up with the idea to make a proof-of-concept project. Specifically, we wanted to use bacteria as a novel and greener solution for solar energy storage. This project was later dubbed the PowerLeaf – a bacterial solar battery. There is so much to tell you about our bacterial solar battery and its’ amazing features.
Our story is told here on the wiki, and since it’s a one-page wiki, just keep scrolling and we will gently guide you through our project.


Welcome to the team page. Here you can get to know us on a more personal level. We are 12 students from 8 different majors. As a team, we have had the most amazing summer together. We had road trips, dinners, various activities and lots of fun together! Heck, we even celebrated Christmas in July. We shared all of this fun with our wonderful supervisors.
So go on and meet us, we don't bite. At least the most of us don't.

Emil Bøgh Hansen

Study: Biology
E-mail: ehans15@student.sdu.dk
Howdy! I’m the first Emil and the teams biologist! And I am a huge wolf enthusiast! I put my boots in the closet this summer in order to put on a proper lab coat doing iGEM. Besides my time in the lab I also looked into how GMOs can influence the environment.

Emil Søndergaard

Study: History
E-mail: emsoe09@student.sdu.dk
Ahoy thar! My name is Emil, and I want to be the next Indiana Jones. But before i can raid any tombs, i’ve decided to raid iGEM trophies. When i’m not cooking or travelling, I’m drawing on my background in history for communications and human practices.

Emil Vyff Jørgensen

Study: Physics
E-mail: ejoer15@student.sdu.dk
Mojn! I am another Emil and I might not be the model biochemist, so instead I am modelling biochemistry! My iGEM existence is a stochastic binary function between naps and extreme bursts of energy.

Ellen Gammelmark

Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
E-mail: elgam15@student.sdu.dk
Why, hello there! My name is Ellen, and I spend most of my waking hours either in the lab with a pipette in my hand or just outside it with a computer on my lap. You know.. Learn iGEM, live iGEM, love iGEM

Felix Boel Pedersen

Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
E-mail: feped15@student.sdu.dk
Aloha. My name is Felix and I bring joy to others by eating my daily rugbrød with leverpostej. 2 years and still going strong, magical. Speaking of magic, I’m the team’s wiki lizard. I also go in the lab from time to time when the others miss me too much.

Frederik Bartholdy Flensmark Neergaard

Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
E-mail: frnee15@student.sdu.dk
Hey yo! I’m Frederik and I have worked day and night, mostly drinking beers in the night time but that should count as well. When not working in lab or on the pc I make fun with the other teammates and tell bad dad jokes, also I make crazy ideas come true like celebrating christmas in august.

Frederik Mark Højsager

Study: Medicine
E-mail: frhoe14@student.sdu.dk

Jonas Borregaard Eriksen

Study: Pharmacy
E-mail: jerik15@student.sdu.dk
Yo!!! I’m Jonas and … During the past months I have been sacrificing the last remainings of my soul to the GMO gods, by fulfilling my duty as a lab-slave at the SDU-Denmark iGEM team.

Lene Vest Munk Thomsen

Study: Philosophy
E-mail: letho11@student.sdu.dk
Hey, is it solipsistic in here, or is it just me? When not wondering whether or not there is an external world, I’ve been busy working out how to implement our solar battery into our local community and what to gain from doing so. Oh, and imposing metaethics on my team members, but I Kant go into detail with this already.

Malte Skovsager Andersen

Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
E-mail: malta14@student.sdu.dk
Ey what up pimps I’m Malte, I’ve mostly been working in the lab wrapped in the dankest of lab coats doing the most exciting of experiments. All in the name of why the hell not. In the lab the utmost highest level of patience is needed, especially when tasked with testing if biobricks function as intended. This has, as seen in the image, caused me to pull out most of my hair.

Sarah Hyllekvist Jørgensen

Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
E-mail: sajo415@student.sdu.dk
My main attribution to our project has primary been running about in the lab, even though going into depth with theory is my favorite occupation. Luckily, there is a clear link between wet- and dry-lab. I am the smallest member of the SDU iGEM team, but I have definitely rise to the occasion.

Sofie Mozart Mortensen

Study: Biomedicine
E-mail: sofmo15@student.sdu.dk
Hi there! My name is Sofie, and I am the team mama! I am the one who makes sure, that everyone gets their fair share of cake. When I’m not in the kitchen busy making cakes for my teammates you can find me in the lab, where I’m working on enhancing our systems cellulose production.


Nothing can be done alone, so please scroll further to read about the contributors, who helped make this project a reality.

sweet picture of supervisors being all happy and stuff

Laboratory, Technical and General support

We would like to give special thanks to our supervisors:

  • Assistant professor Mikkel Girke Jørgensen, for his general support and advice on development of the project, the laboratory, fundraising and team synergy.
  • Ph.D. student and former iGEM participant Patrick Rosendahl Andreassen, for his guidance and technical assistance in the laboratory.
  • Ph.D student and former iGEM participant Thøger Jensen Krogh, for his help in developing the wiki, as well as his laboratory guidance.
  • Cand.phil student and former iGEM participant Tim Munk, for his focus on team dynamics and advice for our human practices.

Thanks to:

  • Academic assistant Tina Kronborg for guidance in the lab and for providing us with lab equipment.
  • Medical Laboratory Technician, Simon Rose, for giving us a course in security and lab safety.
  • Postdoc Oona Sneoyenbos-West provided us with Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA and knowledge, on growing this bacterial strain. As well as lending, us her laboratory for culturing of the Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA.
  • Business scout and PhD Ann Zahle Andersen presented tools to us for the development of innovative business ideas.
  • Stud.scient Kristian Severin Rasmussen helped us using the oCelleScope for testing.
  • Stud.scient and former iGEM participant Brian Baltzar for hosting a workshop about graphical representation in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Title Jonas Hartwig for helping with some JQuery functionality on the wiki.
  • Stud.scient Birka Jensen, for advice on how to build an iGEM wiki.
  • Stud.med Ida Charlotte Hvam for helpful discussions on development of the wiki.
  • Ph.D student and current iGEM advisor of the team from Bielefeld, Boas Pucker has provided us with BioBricks created by former iGEM teams from Bielefeld.
  • Dem fra Imperial?
  • Stud.polyt Oliver Klinggaard, for helpful discussions on the implementation of a pan-tilt system and for providing os with his project report on the subject.
  • DTU BioBuilders hosted their 5th Annual Biobrick Workshop.
  • The UNIK Copenhagen iGEM team hosted the Nordic Meetup.
  • The TU-Delft iGEM team for hosting the European Meetup.
  • The Danish Science Festival for having us at their annual event.
  • Mimo Antabi for adding our adverts to the university screens preceding the Danish Research Festival.
  • Allan Haurballe Madsen for the practical help associated with our appearance at the Danish Science Festival.
  • Lise Junker Nielsen for practical help associated with the Danish Science Festival and visit from the Academy for Talented Youth. As well as lending us iPads for laboratory use.
  • The Danish Science Festival for having us and to all the visitors attending our booth.
  • Dem der hjælper os med SDU-Meetup hvis nogen
  • Colombia til modelling
  • The high schools that we visited and presented our iGEM project at. These include Odense Technical gymnasium, Mulernes Legatskole and Academy for Talented Youth.
  • The UNF Camp for having us present our project to the students attending.
  • The elementary schools:
  • All former iGEM participants from SDU, attending our preliminary presentation and giving us feedback before the Giant Jamboree.
  • The following groups and associations, for helping us develop our human practices: (SP-Moulding, Borgernes Hus, Kommunens bygninger, Bolbro - områdefornyelse, Odense Byudvikling)
  • Matlab user Nezar for an easy implementation of the gillespie algorithm into matlab.
  • empty spot


Thanks to:

  • The Faculty of Science at University Southern Denmark for providing us with fundamental funds which have been required to make our project possible, and for providing lab benches and equipment.
  • The Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Southern Denmark for providing us with important funds to our project.
  • Integrated DNA Technologies for providing us with 20 kilobases of gBlock gene fragments.
  • SnapGene for providing our team with memberships to their software during the competition.
  • PentaBase for sponsoring us with 10.000 DKK worth of oligos and a further 10% discount.
  • Eurofins Genomics for providing us with an 80% discount on a Mix2Seq kit.


Lots of nice articles and books


Project Synergism

We have all been working together in every aspect of our project. Nevertheless, some people has had their focus on some areas more than others. The main groups are listed as follows;

  • The group focusing on fixation of CO2, production and secretion of cellulose and light-sensing dormancy consisted of Sarah Hyllekvist Jørgensen, Ellen Gammelmark, Sofie Mozart Mortensen and Emil Bøgh Hansen
  • The group focusing on the breakdown of cellulose to create an electrical current and optimization of nanowires consisted of Felix Boel Pedersen, Frederik Bartholdy Flensmark Neergaard, Jonas Borregaard Eriksen and Malte Skovsager Andersen.
  • The group focusing on implementation of the device into an urban environment, as well as our outreach consisted of Emil Søndergaard, Frederik Mark Højsager and Lene Vest Munk Thomsen.
  • The mathematical modelling of our project was single-handedly performed by Emil Vyff Jørgensen.
  • Coding and design of the wiki was performed by Felix Boel Pedersen and Frederik Mark Højsager.


This year we attended several meetups which led to some amazing new friendships as well as helpful collaborations. Thanks to all the people that made this iGEM experience so memorable, we truly enjoyed your companionship!

Danish ethics and wiki workshop at SDU

In the spirit of the iGEM community, we hosted a meetup in august for our fellow Danish iGEM team: InCell from the University of Copenhagen (KU), and the Snakebite Detectives from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). A total of seven members from these two teams joined us for breakfast and attended our meetup. This was the first ever iGEM meetup hosted by our university, so we decided to make it something special. For this purpose we took advantage of our interdisciplinary team roster, and designed a workshop that focused on aiding our fellow Danish teams with their wiki and project related ethics. An undertaking that was, to our knowledge, the first time in the history of iGEM, that these two subjects were combined into a single workshop. We utilised the broad interdisciplinary profile of our team by having Emil S., who has a Bachelor of Arts in History, and Lene, who has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, hold presentations. These concerned respectively the perception of science throughout history and the bioethical aspects surrounding GMO. The ethical presentation was purposely turned into an ethical debate, where the different facets and viewpoints of ethical conduct were exchanged and discussed. After the presentations and discussions on ethical conduct, it was time for the second topic on the agenda: the wiki workshop. The SDU iGEM teams have won the Best Wiki prize several times in the past. As such we wanted to share the knowledge gained from our university's past experiences, with our fellow Danish teams. To facilitate this exchange of knowledge on wiki development, we recruited our current supervisor Thøger Jensen Krogh, to hold several presentations on how to design a good wiki. He was qualified for this task through his role as the designer of the SDU iGEM 2013 and 2014 teams wikis, which won the special prize on both occasions. During the presentation, Thøger had arranged for several workshop segments. All three teams were to mingle, discuss and evaluate the wikis, which resulted in a steady flow of information and constructive feedback between all three teams. After the a long day of learning and discussing, we went for a tour under the summer sun around our campus, which concluded in a visit to the roof terrace of the campus dormitory, followed by dinner.
As part of the evaluation of the meetup, it was suggested, that we should make the SDU meetup a tradition for future teams. Another suggestion was that the teams ought to get together later in the process, where they could once again evaluate each other's progress on the wikis.

Attending meetups

Additionally to hosting our own meetup, we also attended several ones during our iGEM experience. The first of which, was the 5th Annual Biobrick Workshop in March, hosted by the Technical University of Denmark. This meetup not only gave us our first experience with the Biobrick Standard, but also worked as a foundation for friendships across the team.
Our second meetup, the Nordic iGEM Conference, was hosted by the University of Copenhagen in june. The main focus of this meetup, was the traditional mini Jamboree. The outcome of participating in which was useful feedback from the judges, as well as the other iGEM teams - which helped us further shape and develop our project.
To celebrate the beginning of our iGEM summer, we went on a road trip to attend at the European Meetup, hosted by the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Here we discussed ideas regarding our project at a poster session, learned from all the other great iGEM team’s projects and made new friends from all over Europe.

Further collaboration

In our project, we have been in contact with the iGEM teams from Bielefeld and Imperial College, who have helped us by sending us crucial parts for our project.
As our project revolves around global warming and green sustainable energy, we were thrilled to hear about the iGEM Goes Green initiative from the TU Dresden iGEM team. Following their guidelines, we have calculated the carbon footprint of our laboratory work and travelling. We have, in part, tried to make up for our carbon footprint, by changing our travelling and eating habits in our everyday lives. Furthermore we have reduced our daily electricity consumption and made an effort of sorting waste. The full report can be scrutinized here **det skal så være link til en model, hvori der er meget mere tekst*
As the iGEM team from Macquarie has worked with the implementation of photosynthesis in E. coli since 2013, we sought their expertise. Which we achieved through a Skype call. Here we discussed what particular challenges the current and previous teams have experienced in their projects. Furthermore, we found that their team could equally benefit from our team, as they were interested in the electron transport pathways that we used.
Additionally, we were able to help the Stony Brook iGEM team by facilitating communication with members of the SDU iGEM team from 2016. Shortly after the European meetup, we received a mail from the Cologne-Düsseldorf iGEM team regarding a postcard campaign idea, which we gave some feedback.
During our project we have received several questionnaires from fellow teams, which we have been happy to fill out. These included questionnaires from the following iGEM teams:

  • Waterloo - regarding 3D printing of lab equipment
  • Dalhousie - regarding the common conception of science literature
  • University of Washington - regarding communication platforms used by teams
  • Vilnius-Lithuania - regarding cotransformation
  • Nanjing-China - regarding whole-cell sensor for formaldehyde
  • University of Sydney - regarding the use and accessibility of insulin


This section is merely to create an overview of our page and really highlight what we have done to fulfil the medal requirements in a few words.

hello my friend

Bronze Requirements 4/4

Register and attend - bla bla bla
Meet all the deliverables requirements - bla bla bla
Clearly state the Attributions - bla bla bla
Improve and/or characterize an existing Biobrick Part or Device - bla bla bla

Silver Requirements 3/3

Validated part/contribution - bla bla bla
Collaboration - bla bla bla
Human Practices - bla bla bla

Gold Requirements 4/4

Integrated Human Practices - bla bla bla
Improve a previous part or project - bla bla bla
Model your project - bla bla bla
Demonstrate your work - bla bla bla


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat sodales nisl at blandit. Suspendisse nisl tortor, dignissim vel ultricies ut, tincidunt eget nisi. Proin nec viverra erat. Vivamus commodo metus neque, non feugiat dolor viverra vel. Nullam sit amet elit luctus, interdum nisl fringilla, vestibulum libero. Nullam iaculis, purus non imperdiet vulputate, mi augue gravida lacus, eu sollicitudin lacus orci a ipsum. Aenean maximus porttitor viverra. Praesent sed fringilla mauris. Duis eu molestie orci, id pellentesque lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed orci elit, sodales vel nibh sed, rhoncus ultrices dolor.
Vestibulum tincidunt ac nisl at mattis. Sed eu mollis nisi. In pulvinar mi velit, dictum congue sapien ornare vel. Integer euismod varius velit ac euismod. Curabitur dapibus eget neque hendrerit sollicitudin. Etiam nec consequat diam, interdum egestas purus. Nullam ultricies et augue at vestibulum. Proin ac velit ac nibh rutrum varius at id metus. Morbi vitae auctor arcu, eget pulvinar mi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ornare nisi a volutpat malesuada. Donec sed augue nisl. Vivamus et dui orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus, nisl in ullamcorper facilisis, purus tortor eleifend odio, nec efficitur erat nisl vel massa. Suspendisse sed velit molestie, tincidunt nulla in, consectetur ligula.


lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo


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hello my friend

lets goo

Project & Results

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat sodales nisl at blandit. Suspendisse nisl tortor, dignissim vel ultricies ut, tincidunt eget nisi. Proin nec viverra erat. Vivamus commodo metus neque, non feugiat dolor viverra vel. Nullam sit amet elit luctus, interdum nisl fringilla, vestibulum libero. Nullam iaculis, purus non imperdiet vulputate, mi augue gravida lacus, eu sollicitudin lacus orci a ipsum. Aenean maximus porttitor viverra. Praesent sed fringilla mauris. Duis eu molestie orci, id pellentesque lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed orci elit, sodales vel nibh sed, rhoncus ultrices dolor.
Vestibulum tincidunt ac nisl at mattis. Sed eu mollis nisi. In pulvinar mi velit, dictum congue sapien ornare vel. Integer euismod varius velit ac euismod. Curabitur dapibus eget neque hendrerit sollicitudin. Etiam nec consequat diam, interdum egestas purus. Nullam ultricies et augue at vestibulum. Proin ac velit ac nibh rutrum varius at id metus. Morbi vitae auctor arcu, eget pulvinar mi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ornare nisi a volutpat malesuada. Donec sed augue nisl. Vivamus et dui orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus, nisl in ullamcorper facilisis, purus tortor eleifend odio, nec efficitur erat nisl vel massa. Suspendisse sed velit molestie, tincidunt nulla in, consectetur ligula.

Project Design

lets gooo

hello my friend

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lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo


lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo


lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo

Parts & Procedures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat sodales nisl at blandit. Suspendisse nisl tortor, dignissim vel ultricies ut, tincidunt eget nisi. Proin nec viverra erat. Vivamus commodo metus neque, non feugiat dolor viverra vel. Nullam sit amet elit luctus, interdum nisl fringilla, vestibulum libero. Nullam iaculis, purus non imperdiet vulputate, mi augue gravida lacus, eu sollicitudin lacus orci a ipsum. Aenean maximus porttitor viverra. Praesent sed fringilla mauris. Duis eu molestie orci, id pellentesque lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed orci elit, sodales vel nibh sed, rhoncus ultrices dolor.
Vestibulum tincidunt ac nisl at mattis. Sed eu mollis nisi. In pulvinar mi velit, dictum congue sapien ornare vel. Integer euismod varius velit ac euismod. Curabitur dapibus eget neque hendrerit sollicitudin. Etiam nec consequat diam, interdum egestas purus. Nullam ultricies et augue at vestibulum. Proin ac velit ac nibh rutrum varius at id metus. Morbi vitae auctor arcu, eget pulvinar mi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ornare nisi a volutpat malesuada. Donec sed augue nisl. Vivamus et dui orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus, nisl in ullamcorper facilisis, purus tortor eleifend odio, nec efficitur erat nisl vel massa. Suspendisse sed velit molestie, tincidunt nulla in, consectetur ligula.


lets gooo

hello my friend

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lets gooo

hello my friend

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lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo

Lab Safety

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hello my friend

lets goo


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat sodales nisl at blandit. Suspendisse nisl tortor, dignissim vel ultricies ut, tincidunt eget nisi. Proin nec viverra erat. Vivamus commodo metus neque, non feugiat dolor viverra vel. Nullam sit amet elit luctus, interdum nisl fringilla, vestibulum libero. Nullam iaculis, purus non imperdiet vulputate, mi augue gravida lacus, eu sollicitudin lacus orci a ipsum. Aenean maximus porttitor viverra. Praesent sed fringilla mauris. Duis eu molestie orci, id pellentesque lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed orci elit, sodales vel nibh sed, rhoncus ultrices dolor.
Vestibulum tincidunt ac nisl at mattis. Sed eu mollis nisi. In pulvinar mi velit, dictum congue sapien ornare vel. Integer euismod varius velit ac euismod. Curabitur dapibus eget neque hendrerit sollicitudin. Etiam nec consequat diam, interdum egestas purus. Nullam ultricies et augue at vestibulum. Proin ac velit ac nibh rutrum varius at id metus. Morbi vitae auctor arcu, eget pulvinar mi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ornare nisi a volutpat malesuada. Donec sed augue nisl. Vivamus et dui orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus, nisl in ullamcorper facilisis, purus tortor eleifend odio, nec efficitur erat nisl vel massa. Suspendisse sed velit molestie, tincidunt nulla in, consectetur ligula.


lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo

Integrated Practices

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hello my friend

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lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat sodales nisl at blandit. Suspendisse nisl tortor, dignissim vel ultricies ut, tincidunt eget nisi. Proin nec viverra erat. Vivamus commodo metus neque, non feugiat dolor viverra vel. Nullam sit amet elit luctus, interdum nisl fringilla, vestibulum libero. Nullam iaculis, purus non imperdiet vulputate, mi augue gravida lacus, eu sollicitudin lacus orci a ipsum. Aenean maximus porttitor viverra. Praesent sed fringilla mauris. Duis eu molestie orci, id pellentesque lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed orci elit, sodales vel nibh sed, rhoncus ultrices dolor.
Vestibulum tincidunt ac nisl at mattis. Sed eu mollis nisi. In pulvinar mi velit, dictum congue sapien ornare vel. Integer euismod varius velit ac euismod. Curabitur dapibus eget neque hendrerit sollicitudin. Etiam nec consequat diam, interdum egestas purus. Nullam ultricies et augue at vestibulum. Proin ac velit ac nibh rutrum varius at id metus. Morbi vitae auctor arcu, eget pulvinar mi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ornare nisi a volutpat malesuada. Donec sed augue nisl. Vivamus et dui orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus, nisl in ullamcorper facilisis, purus tortor eleifend odio, nec efficitur erat nisl vel massa. Suspendisse sed velit molestie, tincidunt nulla in, consectetur ligula.


lets gooo

hello my friend

lets goo

To Future iGEM Teams

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hello my friend

lets goo

Final Words

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hello my friend

lets goo