Difference between revisions of "Team:Newcastle/Collaborations"

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Revision as of 11:55, 16 October 2017

Edinburgh OG Team

We were initially contacted by Anton Puzorjov from the Edinburgh Overgraduate team after meeting them at the Northern UK iGEM meet-up. As our team contained members who have been trained in modelling for synthetic biology, they were wondering if we could help them with their model as they were struggling to convert their deterministic model into a stochastic one.

We organised a Skype call to discuss how far they had gotten and to explain the theory behind stochastic modelling. After a long talk, we understood the issues and Anton had shown us the software they were using to model with (StochPy). We were then given their code and went off to work out the issues.

We corrected their code by fixing the reaction for infection of bacteria by phage, and converting the rate law for infection of bacteria by phage and the rate law for lysis of infected bacteria to proper stochastic rates. Their code commented with our corrections can be downloaded here.