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         <td><a href="http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K2450101">BBa_K2450101</a></td>
         <td>mCherry - TEV protease (non-cleaving)</td>
         <td>mCherry - TEV protease (non-cleaving)</td>

Revision as of 15:01, 29 October 2017


Parts for the Cell-Free System

Registry Number Code used in Lab Brief Description Key Details Biobricks used Other sequence sources
BBa_K2450101 C100 mCherry - TEV protease (non-cleaving) Doesn’t self-cleave ? ?
BBa_K2450201 C200 Modified TetR with TEV cleavage site - CFP TEV cleavage site in linker between DNA binding and dimerisation domains BBa_K106669; BBa_K??????? TEV cleavage site from Merck; CFP from AddGene
BBa_K2450251 C250 TetR - CFP Normal TetR Class B BBa_K106669; BBa_K??????? CFP from AddGene
BBa_K2450301 C300 Tet promoter - RBS - YFP DNA part, contains promoter and RBS to give signal of YFP BBa_R0040 ?

Parts for the OMV System

Registry Number Code used in Lab Brief Description Key Details Biobricks used Other sequence sources
BBa_K2450401 V100 N-SpyCatcher - OmpA - sfGFP SpyCatcher is between leader sequence and OmpA. Used sfGFP to help it fold out of cytoplasm ? Alves et al, 2016 AddGene
BBa_K2450451 v150 OmpA - C-SpyCatcher - sfGFP SpyCatcher is after OmpA - will be compared to BBa_K2450401. Used sfGFP to help it fold out of cytoplasm ? Alves et al, 2016
BBa_K2450501 v200 SpyTag - sfGFP - Quencher TEV cleavage site between sfGFP and the quenching peptide BBa_K1319014 Alves et al, 2016
BBa_K2450502 V200noQ SpyTag - sfGFP Control to check localisation to OMVs ? Alves et al, 2016
BBa_K2450701 V500 sfGFP - N-terminal split TEV Protease - Inhibited Coiled Coil Inhibited coiled coil contains a TEV cleavage site between the two helicies, leaving the acid coiled coil attached to the N-terminal split protease ? Alves et al, 2016 Split TEV paper
BBa_K2450702 V600 mCherry - Inhibited Coiled Coil - C-terminal Split TEV Protease Inhibited coiled coil contains a TEV protease cleavage site. This will result in the cleavage of the mCherry - Acid Coil being cleaved from the Base Coil - C Terminal Split TEV Protease. ? Alves et al, 2016 Split TEV paper

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