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<h1 class="headline">Function d): Heat Sensor</h1>
<h1 class="headline">Function d): Heat Sensor</h1>
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    <p>Sensing the temperature is crucial for the lifecycle of many bacteria and viruses. We adapt this function from a specific heat-inducible system and engineer it to fit our needs for activating the toxin release in CATE.</p>
    <h1>Different heat sensors</h1>
    <p>Various thermosensitive operator systems exist in nature and they differ massively in their way of function. Four general classes of thermosensors exist: DNA, RNA, protein or lipid-protein thermosensors.</p>
    <p>DNA thermosensors rely on the bending of DNA at lower temperatures, which enables cooperative binding of DNA-associated proteins. At lower temperatures, the DNA binding proteins can cover the operator region and prevent transcription. At higher temperatures, the DNA unbends and the operator region can promote transcription of the downstream genes.</p>
    <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
        <img alt="RNA based heat sensor"
    <p>RNA based thermosensors form a stem-loop in the messenger RNA, which hides the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the AUG translation initiation codon. At higher temperatures, the hydrogen bonds of the stem loop break apart and the ribosomal subunits can associate with the RNA and initiate translation.</p>
Sensing the temperature is crucial for the lifecycle of many bacteria and viruses. We adapt this function from a specific heat-inducible system and engineer it to fit our needs for activating the toxin release in CATE.
<h1>Different heat sensors</h1>
    <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/90/--ETH_Zurich--RNA_Heat_Sensors.png" alt="RNA based heat sensor">
Various thermosensitive operator systems exist in nature and they differ massively in their way of function. Four general classes of thermosensors exist: DNA, RNA, protein or lipid-protein thermosensors.
    <p>While DNA- and RNA thermosensors act before translation, for protein mediated temperature sensing, a translated protein needs to be present in the cytoplasm.</p>
DNA thermosensors rely on the bending of DNA at lower temperatures, which enables cooperative binding of DNA-associated proteins. At lower temperatures, the DNA binding proteins can cover the operator region and prevent transcription. At higher temperatures, the DNA unbends and the operator region can promote transcription of the downstream genes.</p>
  <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/21/T--ETH_Zurich--DNA_Heat_Sensors.png" alt="RNA based heat sensor">
    <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
RNA based thermosensors form a stem-loop in the messenger RNA, which hides the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the AUG translation initiation codon. At higher temperatures, the hydrogen bonds of the stem loop break apart and the ribosomal subunits can associate with the RNA and initiate translation.
        <img alt="Protein based heat sensor"
  <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/90/--ETH_Zurich--RNA_Heat_Sensors.png" alt="RNA based heat sensor">
While DNA- and RNA thermosensors act before translation, for protein mediated temperature sensing, a translated protein needs to be present in the cytoplasm.
  <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:500px;">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/bb/--ETH_Zurich--Protein_Heat_Sensors.png" alt="Protein based heat sensor">
This comes with the potential to tune the translation initiation rate by changing the ribosome binding site affinity to the ribosome and is a reason why we use a protein based thermosensor.
    <p>This comes with the potential to tune the translation initiation rate by changing the ribosome binding site affinity to the ribosome and is a reason why we use a protein based thermosensor.</p>
<h1>CATE's heat sensor</h1>
    <h1>CATE's heat sensor</h1>
    <p>For CATE, we chose the TlpA thermosensor, which is derived from <span class="bacterium">Salmonella</span> and belongs to the protein thermosensors. The advantage of this system is the high on/off-ratio of up to 300 and induction temperature of 45 °C, a temperature not reached by fever, but still below levels that cause damage in tissues surrounding a tumor. We adapt this function so that we can use it to trigger the release of the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fc_Anti_Cancer_Toxin">Anti-Cancer Toxin</a>.</p>
For CATE, we chose the TlpA thermosensor, which is derived from <span class="bacterium">Salmonella</span> and belongs to the protein thermosensors. The advantage of this system is the high on/off-ratio of up to 300 and induction temperature of 45 °C, a temperature not reached by fever, but still below levels that cause damage in tissues surrounding a tumor. We adapt this function so that we can use it to trigger the release of the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fc_Anti_Cancer_Toxin">Anti-Cancer Toxin</a>.
    <p>The TlpA system consists of a constitutively expressed regulator protein called TlpA and an inducible TlpA operator-promotor called P<sub>TlpA</sub>. TlpA contains an approximately 300-residue coiled-coil domain at the C-terminus that uncoils between 42 °C and 45 °C. In low temperatures, its N-terminal domain is in a dimeric state and can bind the 52-bp P<sub>TlpA</sub>. Transcription of the downstream gene can therefore happen at temperatures above 42 °C but not below. <a href="#bib1" class="forward-ref">[1]</a><a href="#bib2" class="forward-ref">[2]</a></p>
The TlpA system consists of a constitutively expressed regulator protein called TlpA and an inducible TlpA operator-promotor called P<sub>TlpA</sub>. TlpA contains an approximately 300-residue coiled-coil domain at the C-terminus that uncoils between 42 °C and 45 °C. In low temperatures, its N-terminal domain is in a dimeric state and can bind the 52-bp P<sub>TlpA</sub>. Transcription of the downstream gene can therefore happen at temperatures above 42 °C but not below. <a href="#bib1" class="forward-ref">[1]</a><a href="#bib2" class="forward-ref">[2]</a>
    <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:800px;">
  <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:800px;">
        <img alt="TlpA heat sensor"
    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/7e/T--ETH_Zurich--Heat_Sensor_Function.png" alt="TlpA heat sensor">
<h1>The heat sensor is the safety Checkpoint 2</h1>
    <h1>The heat sensor is the safety Checkpoint 2</h1>
<p>In a cancer treatment with CATE, the bacteria will prepare the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fc_Anti_Cancer_Toxin">Anti-Cancer Toxin</a> in the cytoplasm together with the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fb_MRI_Contrast_Agent">MRI Contrast Agent</a> as soon as they sense a tumor environment with the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fa_Tumor_Sensor">Tumor Sensor</a>. But the toxic compound is not released yet, because CATE might have colonized a wrong location, which also had the same environmental cues as a tumor (which is very unlikely). At this point the patient is analyzed in an MRI and a doctor can decide if the cancer toxin should be released. This is an additional safety checkpoint that is unprecedented for systemically (to the whole body) applied cancer therapeutics. If the doctor decides to proceed with the treatment, he can use Focused Ultrasound, a technology already included in modern MRI devices, which can heat up patients tissue in a precisely defined area inside the body. Normally used with very high temperatures to destroy tumors, it also damages the surrounding healthy tissue, because the heat diffuses out of tumors. To prevent this off-target damage, we use the same Focused Ultrasound technology at a lower temperature, right high enough for CATE to be able to sense a change. The doctor will focus the ultrasound waves with the device to the area where the tumor is and heat the tumor tissue to 45 °C for up to 3 h. The heat sensor notices this change in temperature by unfolding the coiled-coil domains of the TlpA dimers. As a consequence, the dimers fall apart to monomers, which will not bind the P<sub>TlpA</sub> anymore. The P<sub>TlpA</sub> in an unbound state has a strong promotor activity and induces expression of protein E, which leads to <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fe_Cell_Lysis">Cell Lysis</a>.
    <p>In a cancer treatment with CATE, the bacteria will prepare the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fc_Anti_Cancer_Toxin">Anti-Cancer Toxin</a> in the cytoplasm together with the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fb_MRI_Contrast_Agent">MRI Contrast Agent</a> as soon as they sense a tumor environment with the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fa_Tumor_Sensor">Tumor Sensor</a>. But the toxic compound is not released yet, because CATE might have colonized a wrong location, which also had the same environmental cues as a tumor (which is very unlikely). At this point the patient is analyzed in an MRI and a doctor can decide if the cancer toxin should be released. This is an additional safety checkpoint that is unprecedented for systemically (to the whole body) applied cancer therapeutics.</p>
<figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:800px;">
    <p>If the doctor decides to proceed with the treatment, he can use Focused Ultrasound, a technology already included in modern MRI devices, which can heat up patients tissue in a precisely defined area inside the body. Normally used with very high temperatures to destroy tumors, it also damages the surrounding healthy tissue, because the heat diffuses out of tumors. To prevent this off-target damage, we use the same Focused Ultrasound technology at a lower temperature, right high enough for CATE to be able to sense a change. The doctor will focus the ultrasound waves with the device to the area where the tumor is and heat the tumor tissue to 45 °C for up to 3 h. The heat sensor notices this change in temperature by unfolding the coiled-coil domains of the TlpA dimers. As a consequence, the dimers fall apart to monomers, which will not bind the P<sub>TlpA</sub> anymore. The P<sub>TlpA</sub> in an unbound state has a strong promotor activity and induces expression of protein E, which leads to <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fe_Cell_Lysis">Cell Lysis</a>.
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5d/T--ETH_Zurich--Circuit_Azu_Lysis.png">
        <figcaption>Figure 2. Release of azurin. The <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fd_Heat_Sensor">Heat Sensor</a> is activated by the physician via focused ultrasound which increases the temperature locally to 45 <sup>o</sup>C. This releases repression of P<sub>TlpA</sub> by the repressor protein TlpA and, consequentially, expression of <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fe_Cell_Lysis">protein E</a> is initiated. Protein E causes cell lysis by interfering with cell wall synthesis. Following cell lysis, azurin is released to the environment.</figcaption>
    <figure class="fig-nonfloat" style="width:800px;">
        <img alt="Release of azurin"
        <figcaption>Figure 2. Release of azurin.</figcaption>
    <p>The <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fd_Heat_Sensor">Heat Sensor</a> is activated by the physician via focused ultrasound which increases the temperature locally to 45 <sup>o</sup>C. This releases repression of P<sub>TlpA</sub> by the repressor protein TlpA and, consequentially, expression of <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:ETH_Zurich/Circuit/Fe_Cell_Lysis">protein E</a> is initiated. Protein E causes cell lysis by interfering with cell wall synthesis. Following cell lysis, azurin is released to the environment.</p>
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         <li id="bib2"><a href="#ref2">^ </a>Piraner, Dan I., et al. "Tunable thermal bioswitches for in vivo control of microbial therapeutics."<i>Nature chemical biology</i> 13.1 (2017): 75-80.</li>
         <li id="bib2"><a href="#ref2">^ </a>Piraner, Dan I., et al. "Tunable thermal bioswitches for in vivo control of microbial therapeutics."<i>Nature chemical biology</i> 13.1 (2017): 75-80.</li>
         <li id="bib3"><a href="#ref3">^ </a>Din, M. Omar, et al. "Synchronized cycles of bacterial lysis for in vivo delivery." <i>Nature</i> 536.7614 (2016): 81-85.</li>
         <li id="bib3"><a href="#ref3">^ </a>Din, M. Omar, et al. "Synchronized cycles of bacterial lysis for in vivo delivery." <i>Nature</i> 536.7614 (2016): 81-85.</li>
         <li id="bib4"><a href="#ref4">^ </a>Roof, William D., and R. Young. "Phi X174 E complements lambda S and R dysfunction for host cell lysis." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 175.12 (1993): 3909-3912.</li>
         <li id="bib4"><a href="#ref4">^ </a>Roof, William D., and R. Young. "Phi X174 E complements lambda S and R dysfunction for host cell lysis." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 175.12 (1993): 3909-3912.</li>
  <li id="bib5"><a href="#ref5">^ </a>Lubitz, W., R. E. Harkness, and E. E. Ishiguro. "Requirement for a functional host cell autolytic enzyme system for lysis of Escherichia coli by bacteriophage phi X174." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 159.1 (1984): 385-387.</i></li>
  <li id="bib5"><a href="#ref5">^ </a>Lubitz, W., R. E. Harkness, and E. E. Ishiguro. "Requirement for a functional host cell autolytic enzyme system for lysis of Escherichia coli by bacteriophage phi X174." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 159.1 (1984): 385-387.</i></li>
  <li id="bib6"><a href="#ref6">^ </a>Witte, Angela, et al. "Endogenous transmembrane tunnel formation mediated by phi X174 lysis protein E." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 172.7 (1990): 4109-4114.</li>
  <li id="bib6"><a href="#ref6">^ </a>Witte, Angela, et al. "Endogenous transmembrane tunnel formation mediated by phi X174 lysis protein E." <i>Journal of bacteriology</i> 172.7 (1990): 4109-4114.</li>

Revision as of 16:38, 29 October 2017

Function d): Heat Sensor

Sensing the temperature is crucial for the lifecycle of many bacteria and viruses. We adapt this function from a specific heat-inducible system and engineer it to fit our needs for activating the toxin release in CATE.

Different heat sensors

Various thermosensitive operator systems exist in nature and they differ massively in their way of function. Four general classes of thermosensors exist: DNA, RNA, protein or lipid-protein thermosensors.

DNA thermosensors rely on the bending of DNA at lower temperatures, which enables cooperative binding of DNA-associated proteins. At lower temperatures, the DNA binding proteins can cover the operator region and prevent transcription. At higher temperatures, the DNA unbends and the operator region can promote transcription of the downstream genes.

RNA based heat sensor

RNA based thermosensors form a stem-loop in the messenger RNA, which hides the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the AUG translation initiation codon. At higher temperatures, the hydrogen bonds of the stem loop break apart and the ribosomal subunits can associate with the RNA and initiate translation.

RNA based heat sensor

While DNA- and RNA thermosensors act before translation, for protein mediated temperature sensing, a translated protein needs to be present in the cytoplasm.

Protein based heat sensor

This comes with the potential to tune the translation initiation rate by changing the ribosome binding site affinity to the ribosome and is a reason why we use a protein based thermosensor.

CATE's heat sensor

For CATE, we chose the TlpA thermosensor, which is derived from Salmonella and belongs to the protein thermosensors. The advantage of this system is the high on/off-ratio of up to 300 and induction temperature of 45 °C, a temperature not reached by fever, but still below levels that cause damage in tissues surrounding a tumor. We adapt this function so that we can use it to trigger the release of the Anti-Cancer Toxin.

The TlpA system consists of a constitutively expressed regulator protein called TlpA and an inducible TlpA operator-promotor called PTlpA. TlpA contains an approximately 300-residue coiled-coil domain at the C-terminus that uncoils between 42 °C and 45 °C. In low temperatures, its N-terminal domain is in a dimeric state and can bind the 52-bp PTlpA. Transcription of the downstream gene can therefore happen at temperatures above 42 °C but not below. [1][2]

TlpA heat sensor

The heat sensor is the safety Checkpoint 2

In a cancer treatment with CATE, the bacteria will prepare the Anti-Cancer Toxin in the cytoplasm together with the MRI Contrast Agent as soon as they sense a tumor environment with the Tumor Sensor. But the toxic compound is not released yet, because CATE might have colonized a wrong location, which also had the same environmental cues as a tumor (which is very unlikely). At this point the patient is analyzed in an MRI and a doctor can decide if the cancer toxin should be released. This is an additional safety checkpoint that is unprecedented for systemically (to the whole body) applied cancer therapeutics.

If the doctor decides to proceed with the treatment, he can use Focused Ultrasound, a technology already included in modern MRI devices, which can heat up patients tissue in a precisely defined area inside the body. Normally used with very high temperatures to destroy tumors, it also damages the surrounding healthy tissue, because the heat diffuses out of tumors. To prevent this off-target damage, we use the same Focused Ultrasound technology at a lower temperature, right high enough for CATE to be able to sense a change. The doctor will focus the ultrasound waves with the device to the area where the tumor is and heat the tumor tissue to 45 °C for up to 3 h. The heat sensor notices this change in temperature by unfolding the coiled-coil domains of the TlpA dimers. As a consequence, the dimers fall apart to monomers, which will not bind the PTlpA anymore. The PTlpA in an unbound state has a strong promotor activity and induces expression of protein E, which leads to Cell Lysis.

Release of azurin
Figure 2. Release of azurin.

The Heat Sensor is activated by the physician via focused ultrasound which increases the temperature locally to 45 oC. This releases repression of PTlpA by the repressor protein TlpA and, consequentially, expression of protein E is initiated. Protein E causes cell lysis by interfering with cell wall synthesis. Following cell lysis, azurin is released to the environment.


  1. ^ Hurme, R., Berndt, K.D., Namork, E. & Rhen, M. "DNA binding exerted by a bacterial gene regulator with an extensive coiled-coil domain." J. Biol. Chem. 271 (1996): 12626–12631.
  2. ^ Piraner, Dan I., et al. "Tunable thermal bioswitches for in vivo control of microbial therapeutics."Nature chemical biology 13.1 (2017): 75-80.