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            <h1 class = "titleUbuntu leftText">Characterization of Tec Chihuahua’s BioBricks</h1>
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             <p>We characterized Tec Chihuahua’s BioBricks (T7 promoter + RBS) + (epsE) + (T1 terminator), which can be found here as a whole [BBa_K2471002], the individual parts being (BBa_K525998) + (BBa_K143032) + (BBa_B0010). This was a relevant collaboration that will allow the team to report an essential feature of their part.
            The collaboration developed as follows: On October 15th Tec Chihuahua shipped the BioBrick to us. They shared us protocols to characterized by SDS-PAGE. Once the results were obtained, they were shred with the team for their evaluation and report.<a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Tec-Chihuahua/Collaborations"> https://2017.igem.org/Team:Tec-Chihuahua/Collaborations</a>
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Revision as of 05:44, 30 October 2017


Characterization of Tec Chihuahua’s BioBricks

We characterized Tec Chihuahua’s BioBricks (T7 promoter + RBS) + (epsE) + (T1 terminator), which can be found here as a whole [BBa_K2471002], the individual parts being (BBa_K525998) + (BBa_K143032) + (BBa_B0010). This was a relevant collaboration that will allow the team to report an essential feature of their part. </br> The collaboration developed as follows: On October 15th Tec Chihuahua shipped the BioBrick to us. They shared us protocols to characterized by SDS-PAGE. Once the results were obtained, they were shred with the team for their evaluation and report.<a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Tec-Chihuahua/Collaborations"> https://2017.igem.org/Team:Tec-Chihuahua/Collaborations</a>