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<h1>HP-GOLD and Integrated</h1>
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<h2>What Can We Solve?</h2>
<p>This year, the final goal of iGEM_BIT team is to provide the potential versatility, precision, and affordability of JACOB—essentially a representation of modularized biomarker detections—to ordinary communities. Biomarkers can reflect the user’s risk of corresponding cancer to.So as to warn the real patients to go to the hospital earlier.Less money,but higher cure rate.</p>
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<h2>Where is our market?</h2>
<p>Diagnostic Market”,so how about IVD?
JACOB falls in the category of in vitro diagnostic devices, particularly serum biomarker detection. Diagnosis market is characterized by inelastic demanding and steady growth. According to the International Trade Administration, medical device market is forecasted to grow $20 Billion per year after 2017, along with constant growth of population. For United States solely, In Vitro diagnostic devices made up 14.7% of total medical device export in 2015, while keep increasing, currently ranked 4th among all categories. Such market is advantageous to the commercialization of JACOB.</p>
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<h2>What determined characteristics of JACOB?</h2>
<p><center>We determined the main characteristics of JACOB gradually through three stages<center></p>
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<p><span class="label-warning">a. <h3>Stage 1:Questionnaire interview</h3></span><br>
  <span class="lead">&#160;&#160;
                                        <p>By questionnaire,we found an Interesting phenomena-people yearn to health while people are unwilling to go to hospital.When people feel unwell, their first reaction is to look for medicine according to their experience,why?For saving money? <br>
<p>Q8:When you feel your body is not very well ,will you go to the hospital first?(Fig.4)<br>
Q9:If there is a convenient early biomarkers detection instruments, the price is not expensive (charge about 10 yuan), you only need to collect a little blood sample, are you willing to buy it?(Fig.5) </p>
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<p><span class="label-warning">a. <h3>Stage 2:Face to face interview</h3></span><br>
  <span class="lead">&#160;&#160;
                                        <p>To get the answer further,we interviewed people face to face.The answer comes from subjective and the objective aspects.<br>
Subjective factor:most people are more confident of their body, and some people think that is not very important to their body.they think it's almost impossible to get cancer. </p>
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                                        <h4>Objective factor:it is inconvenient and expensive to go to hospital.  So JACOB at least need achieve two goals:</h4><br>
1.Tell users whether they need go to hospital accurately<br>
2.Everyone can get answer easily without doctors.
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<p><span class="label-warning">a. <h3>Stage 3:Hospital investigation</h3></span><br>
  <span class="lead">&#160;&#160;
                                        <p>We need further understand more details about diagnose,so that JACOB can make a better line with the hospital. </p>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5a/Practice8.png" alt="Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template" class="img-responsive img-rounded">
                                        <p>From hospital,we know that hospital holds gold standard for diagnosis----puncture,they can complete the detection of biomarkers in two hours. However,the cancer of patients who come to hospital almost has developed into middle and late.</p>
<p>These confirm that no one is willing to take bad health, but they simply are not informed. A “stimulus” is needed to warn them potential health issues and prompt patients to visit healthcare. This again reinforce that our main market role is to warn patiets and help diagnosis, not to compete for decisive diagnosis. Therefore we came down to build up JACOB’s convenience, efficiency, and affordability instead of optimizing sensitive and specificity. </p>
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<p><span class="label-warning">a.
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<h2>How can JACOB get out of the lab?</h2></span><br>
                                        <h3>By visiting Enterprises,we have great understanding of JACOB’s operation in market:</h3>
<p>A.LinfinPort Biotechnology Corporation Ltd,whose primary business is aptamer,gave us much suggestion about the corresponding relation between aptamer and biomarkers,they bore down on the importance of biomarkers’ specificity,It provides ideas for the selection of biomarkers in future.</p>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/85/Practice_9.png" alt="Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template" class="img-responsive img-rounded">
                                              <p>B.We asked BluePHA mainly on how to construct a viable procedure to industrialize JACOB. Our plan for JACOB after the iGEM jamboree is divided into developments, commercialization,
and resource transformation.</p>
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<p>C.We asked CapitalBio Corporation mainly on how to control the cost of microfluidic chip production. From their experience we found that chips cost much more in the early development, but its cost diminishes quickly in later stages when mass production is reached, ranging from $0.1 to few dollars. However, there exist a conflict of material. In the iGEM version we picked optical cement instead of PMDS for its advantages of adequate solidification speed, feasibility, bio-inertia, and precision of altitude. However, PMDS production industries are much more matured. There is currently no companies offering mass production of optical cement microfluidic chips. Thus, we must decide the better material</p>
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Revision as of 20:43, 31 October 2017

Dsign - Minimal portfolio Bootstrap template

HP-GOLD and Integrated

What Can We Solve?

This year, the final goal of iGEM_BIT team is to provide the potential versatility, precision, and affordability of JACOB—essentially a representation of modularized biomarker detections—to ordinary communities. Biomarkers can reflect the user’s risk of corresponding cancer to.So as to warn the real patients to go to the hospital earlier.Less money,but higher cure rate.

Where is our market?

Diagnostic Market”,so how about IVD? JACOB falls in the category of in vitro diagnostic devices, particularly serum biomarker detection. Diagnosis market is characterized by inelastic demanding and steady growth. According to the International Trade Administration, medical device market is forecasted to grow $20 Billion per year after 2017, along with constant growth of population. For United States solely, In Vitro diagnostic devices made up 14.7% of total medical device export in 2015, while keep increasing, currently ranked 4th among all categories. Such market is advantageous to the commercialization of JACOB.

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What determined characteristics of JACOB?

We determined the main characteristics of JACOB gradually through three stages




Stage 1:Questionnaire interview


By questionnaire,we found an Interesting phenomena-people yearn to health while people are unwilling to go to hospital.When people feel unwell, their first reaction is to look for medicine according to their experience,why?For saving money?

Q8:When you feel your body is not very well ,will you go to the hospital first?(Fig.4)
Q9:If there is a convenient early biomarkers detection instruments, the price is not expensive (charge about 10 yuan), you only need to collect a little blood sample, are you willing to buy it?(Fig.5)

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Stage 2:Face to face interview


To get the answer further,we interviewed people face to face.The answer comes from subjective and the objective aspects.
Subjective factor:most people are more confident of their body, and some people think that is not very important to their body.they think it's almost impossible to get cancer.

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Objective factor:it is inconvenient and expensive to go to hospital. So JACOB at least need achieve two goals:

1.Tell users whether they need go to hospital accurately
2.Everyone can get answer easily without doctors.
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Stage 3:Hospital investigation


We need further understand more details about diagnose,so that JACOB can make a better line with the hospital.

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From hospital,we know that hospital holds gold standard for diagnosis----puncture,they can complete the detection of biomarkers in two hours. However,the cancer of patients who come to hospital almost has developed into middle and late.


These confirm that no one is willing to take bad health, but they simply are not informed. A “stimulus” is needed to warn them potential health issues and prompt patients to visit healthcare. This again reinforce that our main market role is to warn patiets and help diagnosis, not to compete for decisive diagnosis. Therefore we came down to build up JACOB’s convenience, efficiency, and affordability instead of optimizing sensitive and specificity.





How can JACOB get out of the lab?

By visiting Enterprises,we have great understanding of JACOB’s operation in market:

A.LinfinPort Biotechnology Corporation Ltd,whose primary business is aptamer,gave us much suggestion about the corresponding relation between aptamer and biomarkers,they bore down on the importance of biomarkers’ specificity,It provides ideas for the selection of biomarkers in future.


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B.We asked BluePHA mainly on how to construct a viable procedure to industrialize JACOB. Our plan for JACOB after the iGEM jamboree is divided into developments, commercialization, and resource transformation.


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C.We asked CapitalBio Corporation mainly on how to control the cost of microfluidic chip production. From their experience we found that chips cost much more in the early development, but its cost diminishes quickly in later stages when mass production is reached, ranging from $0.1 to few dollars. However, there exist a conflict of material. In the iGEM version we picked optical cement instead of PMDS for its advantages of adequate solidification speed, feasibility, bio-inertia, and precision of altitude. However, PMDS production industries are much more matured. There is currently no companies offering mass production of optical cement microfluidic chips. Thus, we must decide the better material

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Facilis ipsum reprehenderit nemo molestias. Aut cum mollitia reprehenderit. Eos cumque dicta adipisci architecto culpa amet.

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