Week 8: Making way for proteorhodopsin!
In order to make the GS-GOGAT cycle work, we needed proteorhodopsin (PR) that would produce ATP with the help of the proton gradient. However, this activity of PR is seen only in the presence of retinal. We found both, the gene for PR (BBa_K773002) and a device for retinal biosynthesis (BBa_K1604022) in the provided kitplate. For PR, we decided to use an araC regulated promoter (BBa_R0080) which was also present in the kitplate.
We reconstituted BBa_K773002 (Plate 2, well 1P), BBa_K1604022 (Plate 7, well 17K), BBa_R0080 (Plate 3, well 5G) and transformed in E. coli DH5-α competent cells.
Colonies were found only for BBa_K773002. BBa_K1604022 and BBa_R0080 gave no colonies. We repeated the transformation for these two parts, this time we increased the incubation time for each. We were successful.