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Revision as of 17:29, 1 November 2017

Project Description


This summer, we developed a system which could sequester and store high levels of phosphate: Phosphostore. In our project, we expressed Eut (Ethanolamine utilisation) bacterial microcompartments and a polyphosphate kinase (PPK) enzyme with a Pdu (1,2-propanediol utilisation) localization tag. This enables the encapsulation of the PPK enzyme within the microcompartment, allowing the formation of polyphosphate chains to be built and stored safely from degradation by endogenous exopolyphosphatase (PPX). To improve our system, we chose a PPK from Corynebacterium glutamicum as our PPK of choice as it has a 30 fold greater turnover rate than that of the Escherichia coli PPK