Nourishing Synthetic Biology in the Cradle of Culture
- -Computer modelling of genetic circuits (fuzzy logic)
- -Searching for miRNA expression data in patients (GDC)
- -Selecting the most appropriate miRNA candidates (MATLAB, R)
- -Annotating miRNAs of patients and matching them with the involved genes and metabolic pathways (R, Diana Tools, KEGG, GO analysis)
- -Structuring suitable ODEs for simulating biological systems-phenomena (MATLAB)
- -Various top-notch technologies (e.g. CRISPR / Cas9, Gibson Assembly).
- -The iGEM Registry of Standard Biological Parts
- -Software for the construction of desirable DNA sequences (e.g. SnapGene)
- (i) employed visual narratology principles based on Meister, Jan Christoph: "Narratology", Paragraph 6. In: Hühn, Peter et al. (eds.): the living handbook of narratology. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
- (ii) modified the commonly used vocabulary of dance that constitutes the language of performativity to include abstractions of our experimental vision
Our team has been active on multiple social media platforms in order to update followers about our progress and invite them to our various events. We focused a lot on our Facebook account as it gathered more than 2000 likes and several posts reached out to more than 5000 users. Overall, our Facebook page served as an important line of communication, considering that quite a few iGEM teams and individuals contacted us. We successfully capitalized on our page’s potential by collaborating with students from different universities to seek experts’ feedback for our OSIRIS campaign, conversed with researchers that shared with us their invaluable insight and met students interested to join the 2018 team.