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                 <div class="team-member">
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Kyle.jpeg"/>
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Kyle.jpeg"/>
                     <h3>Team Lead</h3>
                         I’ve been responsible for the designs behind the kill switches. I’ve contributed in the wet lab, mainly in molecular cloning, and in particular, with the Synbiota parts. Additionally, I’ve been active in our outreach part of the project, making presentations for GCSE students, and writing our blog.
                         Responsibilities include: focusing on the overarching goals for the iGEM competition and setting deadlines for the team to reach those goals, brainstorming with each workgroup, gathering resources for the workgroups, and playing a major role in the fundraising campaign. Mainly, I give my team members the space to become experts in their part of the project while making sure we’re on the path to a gold medal!
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                 <div class="team-member">
                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/46/Ox_Helen.jpeg"/>
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/46/Ox_Helen.jpeg"/>
                     <h3>Associate Team Lead</h3>
                         I’ve been working on considerations of project safety, including physical containment and kill switch options, as well as ensuring that lab practices follow the safety protocols outlined by our demonstrator. I’ve also been in the wet lab, focussing mainly on molecular cloning. I’ve helped in outreach as well, helping to create presentations for summer schools, and helping to promote our project on social media. Finally, I’ve helped to code up the wiki.
                         Responsibilities are securing locations for meetings, organizing social events, corresponding with SGA to get iGEM registered as a student organization, helping team leader and members wherever necessary (fundraising, keeping teams updated, corresponding with advisors).
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                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/67/Ox_Ria.jpeg"/>
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/67/Ox_Ria.jpeg"/>
                     <h3>Head of Create Team</h3>
                         As chief chemist I have been in charge of making beads to encapsulate the bacteria (and vodka) as well as having far too much fun making up litres and litres of fluorescent solutions. I have been part of the interface between the wet-lab and the modeling by producing experimental data on the diffusion rates out of the beads. Along with my time in the wet-lab I have contributed to ensuring all of our content is coded up for the wiki; as well as taking artsy pictures for the headers.
                         Responsible for building and testing the cell designs, overseeing testing protocols, responsible for a system of naming the designs, doing transformations, plasmid preps, restriction cuts, run gels and gel purifications.  
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                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/41/Ox_George.jpeg"/>
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/41/Ox_George.jpeg"/>
                     <h3>Create Team Member</h3>
                         Last summer I spent six weeks interning in a UTI clinic and laboratory, and so this summer I’ve spent 13 weeks attempting to destroy the very part of those those patients’ urine samples that brought me such happiness. In particular, I engaged in Human Practices outreach with Doctors and patients at the only UTI clinic in the country and when not doing that I threw a little of my fairy stardust onto the wet lab in the form of PCRs and Cell culturing as well as secret handshakes.
                         Responsible for testing protocols, doing plasmid mini preps, restriction digests and testing of E-coli constructs and is the Vice Chancellor of Enzyme stocks.  
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                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/49/Ox_Silas.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/49/Ox_Silas.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Create Team Member</h3>
                         I've been involved mostly with outreach and public engagement. This has been through the production of videos and visits to a local hospital. I've also been part of the day to day work in the wetlab, as well as helping design assets for the poster, presentation and wiki.
                         Responsibilities have been the development of assembly protocols for our different construct designs and the coordination of the submission of parts to the IGEM registry alongside my teammate, Wes.  
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/d4/Ox_James.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/d4/Ox_James.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Create Team Member</h3>
                         As our friendly neighbourhood biologist I’ve been looking into how our final product might interact with the ecology of the urinary tract microbiome and the immune system, as well as whether such problems might be tractable within the scope of our project. I have also been working regularly in the wet-lab, with my focus being on toxicity and biofilm assays.
                         Responsible for the Interlab Study, doing the transformations, plasmid preps, restriction cuts, and gels purifications. In the lab, since the G blocks we ordered arrived, we've TOPO cloned 2 gliadin degraders and 2 gliadin sponges, we've selected 8 Anderson promoters each representing different gene expression strengths because we don't know which promoter will work best, so we will try each one. Hopefully we will have 32 constructs for testing.
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/b6/Ox_June.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/b6/Ox_June.jpeg" />
                     <h2>June Juyeon<br>Han</h2>
                     <h3>Head of Design Team</h3>
                        I’ve been mainly working on culture and image taking of interlab fluorescence microscopy, as well as loading fluorescence and toxicity 96 well assay and retrieving data for them. I have helped in policy &amp; practice section of our project by contacting and meeting synthetic biology experts to comment on our project.
                      Responsible for understanding the problem, detailing three workable designs, ordering parts, and collaborating with Create team. Has performed literature reviews for all modules, determined best approach to problem, created Python notebooks detailing build, chosen Promoters, RBS and terminator used, diagramed designs on Visio, ordered gBlocks from IDT, incorporated testing parameters provided by the Create Team, determined best designs to pursue, designed workable gBlocks that allow for modularity, checked for illegal cut sites on the CDS, collaborated with University of Lethbridge to determine design overlaps and defined FASTA files.
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0c/Ox_Henry.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0c/Ox_Henry.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Design Team Member</h3>
                        I am a member of the modeling duo and have designed and built our team's wiki. Working in the shadow of Will, star of viral sensation; Modeling with Will, I have been producing gene-expression and diffusion models. Additionally, I have helped with outreach and interviews for our practices section.
                      Responsible for conducting literature search on zonulin, literature search on potential ways to get gliadin/zonulin receptor to membrane, literature search on kinetics of kumamax on gliadin and creating initial device in cell sketch for zonulin receptor cell, aiding in modeling gliadin degrader using PySB and in modeling receptors using PySB.
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/90/Ox_Raffy.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/90/Ox_Raffy.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Design Team Member</h3>
                         Leader from the start similar to that of a deity it might be difficult to overstate the contribution made to this project by Raffy. An avid reader of literature during project choice and development and a master biobrick builder on SnapGene Raffy’s contribution continued through to the practical fulfillment of our ideas. Even if she is covert in her acquisition of coffee from Elaine’s office she was not with her hard work in the lab, on the wiki and in organising us as a team.
                         Responsible for performing extensive literature review, developing a preliminary design for the Gliadin Degrader Cop Cell, creating predictive analytic models for the Gliadin Degrader Cop Cell and a comparative model combining the gliadin Degrader &amp; Cuff Small Intestine Cop Cell using python in PySB, improving model functionality by incorporating Compartment-based modeling into a rule-based model in order to enable explicit definition of volume, and aiding in the development of empirical testing methods for experimentally determining the efficacy of cell constructs
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Leon.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Leon.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Head of Human Practices Team</h3>
                         Despite his degree designation clearly stating "Chemistry", Leon has long fallen to the dark side since taking iGEM on and now chiefly regards himself as a synthetic biologist through-and-through.<br><br>
                         Responsible for organizing Human Practices efforts including community involvement, contacting participants (Celiac patients, Gastroenterologists, and members of the community), helping to compose the scripted Presentation for the iGEM Jamboree, organizing content for the final poster, and coding portions of the wiki, as well as, running final checks on questions, content, and graphics used as part of FSU’s iGEM project.
                        When Raffy is occupied with other engagements, the helm of the team is typically Leon's to take up, but being the team's resident lab nerd/guru he'd mostly rather be left alone by the bench to think about new experiments. Leon was the mastermind behind the bulk of the experimental molecular and microbiology, having been responsible for the literature review and BioBrick design together with Raffy since the project's inception, all the way through to the planning, delegation, and execution of the characterization experiments for the genetic constructs along with the associated data analyses.  
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                 <div class="team-member" id="lychee">
                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a9/Ox_Lychee.jpg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a9/Ox_Lychee.jpg" />
                     <h2>Ada<br>Del Cid</h2>
                     <h3>Human Practices Team Member</h3>
                        When not growing on trees, I am usually somewhere in the lab running microscopy and plate reader experiments for the interlab study and processing the subsequent data. Have also attempted to make contact with teams in other countries for collaboration efforts; these attempts bore fruits on a few occasions as can be viewed on our collaborations page.
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/4b/Ox_Duke.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/4b/Ox_Duke.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Human Practices Team Member</h3>
                        Over the summer I have been working regularly in the wet lab, particularly on cloning procedure and Western Blotting. I have been writing articles for our blog page, including a piece on the first GM human embryo. I have designed our project poster, as well as coded various elements of the wiki. My favourite outreach experience was talking to UNIQ summer school, and seeing what they thought of our project!
                      Responsible for speaking with people with Celiac Disease, doctors and general public, helped develop Moonshot Night survey,  integrating Human Practices into the project, designing graphics and slides for the Presentation, designing preliminary poster for the project and for Moonshot Night, and working on a video series collaboration-outreach effort with the University of Florida.
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             <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
                 <div class="team-member" id="will">
                 <div class="team-member">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/65/Ox_Will.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/65/Ox_Will.jpeg" />
                     <h2>Will<br>Van Duzer</h2>
                     <h3>Human Practices Team Member</h3>
                         As the second member of the modeling crew - and physicist-in-residence - you’ll either find me preaching to the biochemists about error bars or coding up our gene expression and diffusion models. I also helped present a workshop on synthetic biology.
                         Responsible for developing a strategic fundraising plan for the FSU iGEM team, reaching out to companies nationwide and throughout the state of Florida as well as partnering with the CDF and local support groups for Celiac Disease and working all summer to find a sponsor or partnership for the team.  
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                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/dc/Ox_Mabel.jpeg" />
                     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/dc/Ox_Mabel.jpeg" />
                     <h3>Human Practices Team Member</h3>
                         Thanks to lab experience prior to iGEM, I was the team's chief molecular cloner. When not reigning as the Miniprep Queen, I made initial contact with local hospitals, taught at the UNIQ summer school workshop and successfully avoided making agarose gels with water. This holding of royal office culminated in being on BBC Radio for a grand total of 7 minutes on the day of the lab’s electrical shutdown.
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                <div class="team-member advisor">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a6/OxigemGeorge.jpg"/>
                    <h2>Dr Cesar<br>Rodriguez</h2>
            <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
                <div class="team-member advisor">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/2/22/Ox_chris.jpg"/>
                    <h2>Dr Emily<br>Prichard</h2>
            <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
                <div class="team-member advisor">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0d/OxigemJudy.jpeg"/>
            <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
                <div class="team-member advisor">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/05/OxigemAnthony.jpg"/>
                    <h2>Dr Jonathan<br>Dennis</h2>
            <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-lg-3">
                <div class="team-member advisor">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/4f/OxigemAntonis.jpg"/>
                    <h2>Dr Michael<br>Blaber</h2>
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Revision as of 23:01, 23 August 2017

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Team:FSU/Team - 2017.igem.org



Team:FSU/Team - 2017.igem.org




Team Lead

Responsibilities include: focusing on the overarching goals for the iGEM competition and setting deadlines for the team to reach those goals, brainstorming with each workgroup, gathering resources for the workgroups, and playing a major role in the fundraising campaign. Mainly, I give my team members the space to become experts in their part of the project while making sure we’re on the path to a gold medal!


Associate Team Lead

Responsibilities are securing locations for meetings, organizing social events, corresponding with SGA to get iGEM registered as a student organization, helping team leader and members wherever necessary (fundraising, keeping teams updated, corresponding with advisors).


Head of Create Team

Responsible for building and testing the cell designs, overseeing testing protocols, responsible for a system of naming the designs, doing transformations, plasmid preps, restriction cuts, run gels and gel purifications.


Create Team Member

Responsible for testing protocols, doing plasmid mini preps, restriction digests and testing of E-coli constructs and is the Vice Chancellor of Enzyme stocks.


Create Team Member

Responsibilities have been the development of assembly protocols for our different construct designs and the coordination of the submission of parts to the IGEM registry alongside my teammate, Wes.


Create Team Member

Responsible for the Interlab Study, doing the transformations, plasmid preps, restriction cuts, and gels purifications. In the lab, since the G blocks we ordered arrived, we've TOPO cloned 2 gliadin degraders and 2 gliadin sponges, we've selected 8 Anderson promoters each representing different gene expression strengths because we don't know which promoter will work best, so we will try each one. Hopefully we will have 32 constructs for testing.


Head of Design Team

Responsible for understanding the problem, detailing three workable designs, ordering parts, and collaborating with Create team. Has performed literature reviews for all modules, determined best approach to problem, created Python notebooks detailing build, chosen Promoters, RBS and terminator used, diagramed designs on Visio, ordered gBlocks from IDT, incorporated testing parameters provided by the Create Team, determined best designs to pursue, designed workable gBlocks that allow for modularity, checked for illegal cut sites on the CDS, collaborated with University of Lethbridge to determine design overlaps and defined FASTA files.


Design Team Member

Responsible for conducting literature search on zonulin, literature search on potential ways to get gliadin/zonulin receptor to membrane, literature search on kinetics of kumamax on gliadin and creating initial device in cell sketch for zonulin receptor cell, aiding in modeling gliadin degrader using PySB and in modeling receptors using PySB.


Design Team Member

Responsible for performing extensive literature review, developing a preliminary design for the Gliadin Degrader Cop Cell, creating predictive analytic models for the Gliadin Degrader Cop Cell and a comparative model combining the gliadin Degrader & Cuff Small Intestine Cop Cell using python in PySB, improving model functionality by incorporating Compartment-based modeling into a rule-based model in order to enable explicit definition of volume, and aiding in the development of empirical testing methods for experimentally determining the efficacy of cell constructs


Head of Human Practices Team

Responsible for organizing Human Practices efforts including community involvement, contacting participants (Celiac patients, Gastroenterologists, and members of the community), helping to compose the scripted Presentation for the iGEM Jamboree, organizing content for the final poster, and coding portions of the wiki, as well as, running final checks on questions, content, and graphics used as part of FSU’s iGEM project.

Del Cid

Human Practices Team Member



Human Practices Team Member

Responsible for speaking with people with Celiac Disease, doctors and general public, helped develop Moonshot Night survey, integrating Human Practices into the project, designing graphics and slides for the Presentation, designing preliminary poster for the project and for Moonshot Night, and working on a video series collaboration-outreach effort with the University of Florida.


Human Practices Team Member

Responsible for developing a strategic fundraising plan for the FSU iGEM team, reaching out to companies nationwide and throughout the state of Florida as well as partnering with the CDF and local support groups for Celiac Disease and working all summer to find a sponsor or partnership for the team.


Human Practices Team Member



Dr Cesar



Dr Emily






Dr Jonathan



Dr Michael




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