
The production of PCBs has been banned in the United States because of possible impact on animal and human health, yet the harmful molecules still contaminate our waters today. Our project involves transferring genes responsible for producing PCB-dechlorinating enzymes from the anaerobic D. mccartyi bacterium, in which they're naturally found, into E.coli, an easier-to-work-with bacterium.

We will be transferring three different genetic variants of the PCB dechlorinating enzyme and will face many challenges in producing the working enzymes. The enzymes probably use norpseudo-B12 as a cofactor, a compound E. coli doesn't naturally create. We are currently researching ways to introduce this into the environment of the E.coli expressing the proteins. The working enzymes also contain iron-sulfer clusters, which will be destroyed upon exposure to oxygen, as the original organism is anaerobic. We are currently looking into different and easy ways to grow E.coli anaerobically and ways to combat this issue. D. mccartyi's membrane is also archea-like and dissimilar to E.coli's membrane, which may cause complications with expression and localization. The enzymes are also transmembrane proteins, which may pose problems.

We will be contacting other labs with higher biosafety levels due to the toxicity of PCBs, to test out our system. We are currently working in lab to transfer our synthesized genetic circuits to E.coli bacteria while we research ways to solve the potential problems listed above. We have also included His tags in our genetic circuits and have partnered with the Baker Lab at the University of Washington to analyze our PCB dechlorinating enzymes in the future.


Tell us about your project, describe what moves you and why this is something important for your team.

What should this page contain?
  • A clear and concise description of your project.
  • A detailed explanation of why your team chose to work on this particular project.
  • References and sources to document your research.
  • Use illustrations and other visual resources to explain your project.
Advice on writing your Project Description

We encourage you to put up a lot of information and content on your wiki, but we also encourage you to include summaries as much as possible. If you think of the sections in your project description as the sections in a publication, you should try to be consist, accurate and unambiguous in your achievements.

Judges like to read your wiki and know exactly what you have achieved. This is how you should think about these sections; from the point of view of the judge evaluating you at the end of the year.


iGEM teams are encouraged to record references you use during the course of your research. They should be posted somewhere on your wiki so that judges and other visitors can see how you thought about your project and what works inspired you.


See how other teams have described and presented their projects: