Reliable results are crucial in science in general, thus also in synthetic biology. As so, it is important to establish robust protocols which lead to similar outcomes independent from the lab they are generated in. Therefore, iGEM’s Measurement Committee has been developing a robust procedure for measuring green fluorescent protein (GFP), an intensively used marker in synthetic biology.
To make our contribution we decided to take part in this year’s 4th International InterLab Measurement Study organized by iGEM. The aim of the study is to test whether it is possible to obtain reproducible results for fluorescence measurements carried out all around the world in different labs, with different instruments, by different people using the exact same afore mentioned protocol.
For this year’s study 6 different GFP-expression plasmids, containing divergently strong constitutive promoters, as well as a positive and a negative control were investigated. Therefore, an OD600 reference point and a fluorescein fluorescence standard curve were generated, before the constructs were transformed into E. coli DH5α and expression levels were determined by OD600 and fluorescence measurement in a plate reader in 2 hour intervals for a total of 6 hours.
For further information visit the Interlab website.
OD600 reference point
The determination of the OD600 reference point addresses two major issues: transforming absorbance measurements into OD600 measurements and generating instrument independent data. LUDOX-S40 is used as a single point reference to obtain the conversion factor, which is calculated by dividing the Reference OD600 by the determined absorbance. The results of our measurements are shown in table 1.
Fluorescein standard curve
A fluorescein fluorescence standard curve is generated to be able to transform cell based readings into equivalent fluorescein concentrations, what can then be converted into GFP concentrations. Our fluorescein standard curve is shown in figure 1.
Raw plate reader measurement
Fluorescence and OD600 measurement