Team:Florida Atlantic/InterLab


Florida Atlantic Interlap Report

Member Participations

- Completed by Douglas + Valentina on September 21st
- Completed by Douglas + Ariania and supervised by Dr. Pavlovic on September 26th
Cell Measurement:
- Completed by Douglas + Rachel S. and assisted by Eric and Daniela (Esiobu lab members) on September 29th



Competent cells (Escherichia coli strain DH5α)
LB (Luria Bertani) media
Chloramphenicol (stock concentration 25 mg/mL dissolved in EtOH - working stock 25 ug/mL)
50 ml Falcon tube (or equivalent, preferably amber or covered in foil to block light)
Incubator at 37°C
1.5 ml eppendorf tubes for sample storage
Ice bucket with ice
96 well plate, black with flat, transparent/clear bottom preferred (provided by team)
Devices (from InterLab Measurement Kit):
● Positive control
● Negative control
● Test Device 1: J23101+I13504
● Test Device 2: J23106+I13504
● Test Device 3: J23117+I13504
● Test Device 4: J23101.BCD2.E0040.B0015
● Test Device 5: J23106.BCD2.E0040.B0015
● Test Device 6: J23117.BCD2.E0040.B0015

Calibration Procedure

Transformation Procedure

Cell Measurement Procedure