

  In our project, we transfer five types of pigment-related gene sequence (Indigoidine, Zeaxanthin, Melanin, Astaxanthin and Lycopene) into our cyanobacteria. We expect to get six different colors of microalgae, so we could see whether changing the original color of microalgae would change wavelength absorbance and have better photosynthetic efficiencies. Due to better photosynthetic efficiencies, we could elevate oil accumulation in microalgae, which would have great benefit in both industry and scientific usage.

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  In our project, we transfer five types of pigment-related gene sequence (Indigoidine, Zeaxanthin, Melanin, Astaxanthin and Lycopene) into our cyanobacteria. We expect to get six different colors of microalgae, so we could see whether changing the original color of microalgae would change wavelength absorbance and have better photosynthetic efficiencies. Due to better photosynthetic efficiencies, we could elevate oil accumulation in microalgae, which would have great benefit in both industry and scientific usage.

