How to Succeed
Tips for Teams
Before you even pick up your first pipette you should think about Human Practices (HP). Successful iGEM projects are often inspired and improved by their HP efforts (see exemplary projects). But go beyond just promoting synthetic biology. The most impressive teams engage seriously with public policy, societal values and perspectives beyond the synthetic biology community.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Be creative! We love seeing new and innovative approaches that showcases what’s unique about your HP activities.
- Do your research. If you're applying a method that has been used before (such as conducting a survey) find out the best practices and try to recruit an expert to help you.
- Communicate clearly what you have done and why. Simple, concise and organized reporting helps the judges and teams better understand and appreciate your efforts.
- Be an example for others. Consider what you can do to help other teams reuse and adapt your work. How might your approach be used in different contexts?