

Through our project this year, we had many wonderful opportunities to work with other iGEM teams. These teams included UW Seattle, Oxford, East Chapel Hill High School, Gaston Day School, and many more. One of our major collaborations was with Gaston Day School where we helped give guidance to a high school team. In other collaborations, we made a YouTube Channel where other teams were guest speakers. While all of these were important we also wanted to make sure that we gave back the iGEM community at large; so we created a Reddit Page where all iGEMers can discuss ideas with each other and specifically talk about ideas that can be deemed controversial or taboo by the general public. Click on each of the links to learn more about each of our different Collaboration Projects!

Gaston Day School

Content: Overview about how we mentor the high school team.

Mini Convention

Content: Overview about how we went to the convention.

Reddit Forum

Content: Overview about how we created the reddit page.

Mosquito Curriculum

Content: Overview about how we created the mosquito curriculum and did it in conjunction with Gaston Day School and East Chapel Hill High School.

YouTube Channel

Content: Overview about how we created the mosquito curriculum and did it in conjunction with Gaston Day School and East Chapel Hill High School.