Obesity and type 2 diabetes represent a serious health threat to the population all over the world. Glucose overdose has the major impact on this problem. However, sugar does make you feel happy. Some people may choose to limit, or even quit, sugar intake. Others may do more exercise to stay fit and healthy. In plain words, you have to either decline sweet happiness or pay for it with gaining fat or spending hard time burning calories.
In Mingdao’s project this year, we will help you “crush” the sugar by doing nothing except taking one pill full of our engineered probiotics. Really, just sit and read our iGEM story as well as enjoy your sweets and sugary drinks.
In the research, we addressed the health problems caused by excess glucose, providing information of controlling blood glucose by medicine, briefing previous iGEM team projects dealing with the issue of obesity and diabetes, and detail the mechanism of glucose metabolism and pleasure.
In the design and experiment, we will show you how we created probiotic-based glucose retrieval system with (1) glucose transporter device, which facilitates the cell glucose uptake with high efficiency, (2) glucose responsive suicide circuit, which produces lysis protein and nuclease to destroy bacteria when running out of glucose, and (3) probiotic transgenesis system, which be utilized to stably transform Lactobacillus acidophilus by chromosomal homologous recombination.
In the end, we introduced the modeling of the glucose uptake efficiency of our genetically engineered bacteria based on our experimental results. In addition, we showed the design of our acid-resistant pill and the prototype to mimic the stomach-gut environment and simulate the pill passing through gastric acid and releasing probiotics in the gut.
What does glucose do to your body?
SUGAR exists in the types of glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, maltose and starch, as well as in wide varieties of drinks and food such as juice, honey, fruit, yogurt, candies and desserts. Simply speaking, sugar is everywhere, anyone can’t avoid it. Glucose is the smallest form of sugar and used as energy source for the body. And further, glucose would make you feel pleasure when hitting your tongue letting you crave more sugar like addicted.
OBESITY raises increasing concerns worldwide. Too much sugar in the body will be converted to fat and stored in the liver and cells. Excess sugar will make you overweight and obese. Meanwhile, fat is easily gained but hard to break down.
TYPE 2 DIABETES is another health problem because of excess sugar in the blood for a long term period. Insulin produced by the pancreas stimulates cells to absorb extracellular glucose. But in patients with type 2 diabetes, cells somehow become insulin resistant and need more amounts of insulin to maintain normal function. So the patients are advised to adjust their diet and control the blood sugar level.
The fat converted from excess glucose may contribute to atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. In addition, a study provided evidence that high blood glucose could lead to ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE and may damage your brain to cause dementia (Scientific Reports 2016;6:25589).
What could you do to deal with the excess glucose problems
Obesity and type 2 diabetes represent a serious health threat to the population all over the world. Glucose overdose has the major impact on this problem. However, sugar does make you feel happy. Some people may choose to limit, or even quit, sugar intake. Others may do more exercise to stay fit and healthy. In plain words, you have to either decline sweet happiness or pay for it with gaining fat or spending hard time burning calories.
In Mingdao’s project this year, we will help you “crush” the sugar by doing nothing except taking one pill full of our engineered probiotics. Really, just sit and read our iGEM story as well as enjoy your sweets and sugary drinks.
In the research, we addressed the health problems caused by excess glucose, providing information of controlling blood glucose by medicine, briefing previous iGEM team projects dealing with the issue of obesity and diabetes, and detail the mechanism of glucose metabolism and pleasure.
In the design and experiment, we will show you how we created probiotic-based glucose retrieval system with (1) glucose transporter device, which facilitates the cell glucose uptake with high efficiency, (2) glucose responsive suicide circuit, which produces lysis protein and nuclease to destroy bacteria when running out of glucose, and (3) probiotic transgenesis system, which be utilized to stably transform Lactobacillus acidophilus by chromosomal homologous recombination.
In the end, we introduced the modeling of the glucose uptake efficiency of our genetically engineered bacteria based on our experimental results. In addition, we showed the design of our acid-resistant pill and the prototype to mimic the stomach-gut environment and simulate the pill passing through gastric acid and releasing probiotics in the gut.
Yes, we knew the problem. But it's the "how" that matters
What have iGEMers done to solve the obesity and diabetes problems?
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Felis sagittis eget tempus primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Magna sed etiam ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam.
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