



Bronze All must be met
1 Register and Attend – Register for iGEM and attend the Giant Jamboree. Newcastle iGEM team has registered and will be attending the Giant Jamboree in Boston.
2 Deliverables – Meet all the deliverables on the Competition Deliverables page
3 Attribution – Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project. Our Attributions page is here
4 Characterise/Contribution – Participate in the Interlab Measurement Study and/or improve the characterisation of an existing BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information on that part's Main Page in the Registry. Our team participated in the Interlab Measurement Study.
Silver All must be met
1 Validated Part/Validated Contribution – Convince the judges that at least one new BioBrick Part of your own design that is central to your project works as expected.
2 Collaboration – Convince the judges you have significantly worked with another registered iGEM team in a meaningful way. We have collaborated with several teams on various aspects of the project. Details of these collaborations are here.
3 Human Practices – Convince the judges you have thought carefully and creatively about whether your work is safe, responsible and good for the world. Link.
Gold At least 2 must be met
1 Integrated Human Practices – Expand on your silver medal activity by demonstrating how you have integrated the investigated issues into the design and/or execution of your project. Link.
2 Improve a previous part or project – Improve the function of an existing BioBrick Part or existing iGEM project and display your achievement on your wiki.
3 Model your project – Convince the judges your project's design and/or implementation is based on insight you have gained from modelling. We have modelled various aspects of our project, creating Simbiotics and COPASI models of the sensor development platform and a Design of Experiments model to optimise the cell free systems in our project.
4 Demonstrate your work – Convince the judges that your project works.