


Farmer's survey

The best thing about a survey is that it helps to get the opinion of people. And to get the most relevant information, it is the ones that are directly touched that should be asked: the farmers. As it concerns their field of activity, they should be the most informed about Xyllela Fastidiosa. And since they are the principal users, their decision about using or not our product is essential to us. What we did was simple. We created a short survey to get to know if the different actors accepted our cure, even if it was a GMO.

Public survey

We wanted to know if the population was ready to accept our cure - a genetically modified virus - so we made a survey to get their opinion. To ensure the broadest possible audience, we made the survey both in English and in French. The survey was done via google.form, we send the link to all networks, asking them to send it further into their networks. As we are mainly students, it has to be taken into account that the proportion of answer from students may cause a bias in the general answers.