
Human Practises Silver: Science Communication Analysis

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” -Ludwig Wittgenstein

When considering reasons for the lack of uptake of biosensors, we chose to investigate one of the most fundamental aspects for the success of any project: communication. Communication also affects how synthetic biology as a field, and many more projects emerging from it, are received. Because of this, many of our Human Practises and Education and Public Engagement Activities have centred around sharing the research and activities we have completed in relation to science communication.

Attending the N8 conference made us aware of the barriers which must be overcome to increase uptake of biosensors. Alongside other factors which we have identified and tackled through experimental and design adaptation, communication between scientists and the public is an aspect which we have considered in our aim of increasing uptake of biosensors and synthetic biology.

In our work, we used different perspectives and methods to investigate science communication. By gaining advice from academics working in the humanities and social sciences, and completing our own engagement and research, we have taken a journey through science communication and considered how this can help the success of our project!

A Journey Through Science Communication


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