
Part Table
Part Number Type Description Length(bp) Designer
BBa_K2350000 MelA Coding sequence 1833 bp YU-HSIANG LIN
BBa_K2350001 Crt Z (astaxanthin) Coding sequence 489 bp Priscilla Lee Ann Hweek
BBa_K2350002 Crt W (astaxanthin) Coding sequence 729 bp Priscilla Lee Ann Hweek
BBa_K2350003 Intrinsic promoter of Rubisco large subunit (PrbcL) Regulatory 396 bp JO-NING HUNG
BBa_K2350004 a part of nitrate channel protein from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Coding sequence 1341 bp YEN-CHING TU