
Team Members

This year the Freiburg iGEM team consist of 14 students from various fields, such as medicine, biology, chemistry and theology. Together we worked hard to achieve something outstanding this year. We receive perpetual support from Dr. Maximilian Ulbrich (BIOSS) and Dr. Nicole Gensch (BIOSS). In addition, we could benefit from the experience of six former iGEM members, our immediate supervisors Julika Neumann, Katharina Ostmann, Philipp Schwenk, Danja Steinberg, Lara Stühn and Nathalie Wössner.

Name: Pavel Barahtjan
Age: 25
Where are you from?: Russia
What do you study?: Master studies in Immunobiology
What are you doing outside of iGEM?: There is an outside?!
Describe yourself: Coffee & Beer
What would you safe if the lab burns down? Falcon centrifuge
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? Does this tissue smell like chloroform?

Name: Yaël Bengel
Age: 19
Where are you from?: I am from Haguenau, a quite small town in Alsace in France. Alsace is the region next to Germany. A strange place where you not really sure if it's French, German or both, but it has great food!
What do you study?: Biology
What are you doing outside of iGEM?: I like doing sports (boxing), swimming in the small lake near my dorm, playing video games, painting, playing the guitar and sleeping.
Describe yourself: I am young French lad ready to try anything in life, if there is the opportunity!
What would you safe if the lab burns down?: I would save the Nanodrop cleaning tissue, because there are ridiculously expensive (not like other things in the lab), and this would be a shame to lose them.
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? "Where did my DNA go?"

Name: Franziska Elsässer
Where are you from? Freiburg
What do you study? Biology
What are you doing outside of iGEM? travelling, playing the piano, visiting museums and guiding tours in one of them
Describe yourself: interested in (too) many things at once
What would you safe if the lab burns down? Lab book and plasmids

Name: Philipp Franke
Age: 25
Where are you from? Schliengen, Germany
What do you study? Chemistry
What are you doing outside of iGEM? Hang out with friends, party, football, mountainbike, skiing (well, at least I used to do these things before I started with iGEM xd)
Describe yourself: Optimistic realist with a faible for black humor
What would you safe if the lab burns down? The ethanol bottle!
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? Can you pass me the Chloroform, please?

Name: Klara L. Lesch
Age: 25
Where are you from: Darmstadt, Germany
What do you study?: Biology, Plant science
What are you doing outside of iGEM?: Climbing, dancing
Describe yourself: If I get myself organized, I would be dangerous.
What would you safe if the lab burns down? Vortex, absolute Ethanol
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? Thank god a holiday! I finally have some time to get some work done!

Name: Philipp Melchinger
Age: 23
Where are you from? Karlsruhe, Germany
What do you study? Biochemistry & Biophysics
What are you doing outside of iGEM? Sleeping
Describe yourself: I don't want to.
What would you save if the lab burns down? Antibodies
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? Your genes don't work

Name: Laura Neschen
Age: 20
Where are you from? Constance
What do you study? Biology and Chemistry
What are you doing outside of iGEM? Playing the piano, doing sports, riding
Describe yourself: I tend to be a perfectionist.
What would you safe if the lab burns down? My laptop

Name: Jana Neuber
Age: 22
Where are you from? Ettlingen
What do you study? Biology, Immunology
What are you doing outside of iGEM? Trekking, meeting my friends, playing board and card games
Describe yourself: Pessimistic, perfectionist, looking for adventures
What would you save if the lab burns down? Our plasmids

Name: Ada Seredynska
Age: 22
Where are you from? Poland
What do you study? Biology
What are you doing outside of iGEM? reading books and Marvel comics, snowboard, windsurfing, hiking (that was before iGEM, now I am only trying to get a bit of sleep :D)
Describe yourself: forever child, always optimistic and half asleep
What would you safe if the lab burns down? My Labmates ;)
Things you can only say when working in the lab/ iGEM? Where are the pipette tips?