


Sensing part

The sensing part is to achieve the awareness of the engineering bacteria on the rare earth ions in the environment.


pmrA-B-Fe、pmrC/GFP gene through the pcr protocol

②Plasmid Construction

Coding sequences pmrA/pmrB and pmrC-GFP were cloned into the expression vector pBAD30 by restriction enzyme digestion and DNA ligation.


Then we transformed these vectors into Ecoli BL21 cells.


Arabinose was used to induce expression of pmrABC system.

We use the original pmrA-pmrB / Fe-pmrC-GFP circuit to test whether our pmrABC system works in our plasmid, then the expression and efficacy of LBT1-12 were tested .

gene circuit vector description
pmrA-pmrB/Fe-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Test whether our pmrABC system works in our plasmid
pmrA-pmrB/LBT1-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT1
pmrA-pmrB/LBT2-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT2
pmrA-pmrB/LBT3-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT3
pmrA-pmrB/LBT4-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT4
pmrA-pmrB/LBT5-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT5
pmrA-pmrB/LBT6-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT6
pmrA-pmrB/LBT7-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT7
pmrA-pmrB/LBT8-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT8
pmrA-pmrB/LBT9-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT9
pmrA-pmrB/LBT10-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT10
pmrA-pmrB/LBT11-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT11
pmrA-pmrB/LBT12-pmrC-GFP pBAD30 Detecting effectiveness of protein LBT12

Recycling part

The recycling part is to capture the rare earth ions in the environment and to anchor our cells over the silicon net.

①With appropriate primers, PCR was carried out to amplify target gene oprf-LBT1-12 and oprf-Si tag.


②Then we constructed two vectors to achieve expression of LBT and Si-tag.


We cloned the sequence of oprf-LBT and Si-tag into the vector pET28α in order to make the sequence be tagged N-terminally with a 6×His tag. 6×His tag is an affinity tag which allows the tagged recombinant protein to be purified in the process of affinity purification.


In the meanwhile,we added the FLAG tag to achieve that whether the LBTs and the Si tag was expressed on the cell membrane.

Construction of the whole circuit

All of our part should be built in one plasmid. Therefore, we use endonuclease and ligase to replace the GFP by Oprf-LBT and Oprf-Si tag.
