Team:Exeter/Basic Part

FimH sfGFP

The sfGFP was inserted in three different places in the FimH protein to act as a reporter on the level of expression of the protein and thus giving an indication of its efficiency. The three places of insertion were 22, which is the place where the signal peptide ends in the mannose binding domain, the 225 and 258, which are present in the domain that interacts with FimG

FimH Fusion Proteins

The metal binding proteins were inserted at the 22nd residue of the FimH protein, because that is where the siganl peptide of FimH ends and it is part of the mannose binding domain. Whereas, the 225 and 258 inserts are in the domain that interacts with FimG.

Fim operon

The fim operon consists of six proteins with a native RBS.