Team:Exeter/Composite Part

FimH sfGFP

We used an inducible promoter to vary the expression of modified pili by varying the induction protocol.

Name Description Base Pairs
BBa_K2324007 pRha_FimH_22_sfGFP 2020
BBa_K2324006 pRha_FimH_225_sfGFP 2020
BBa_K2324008 pRha_FimH_258_sfGFP 2020

FimH Fusion Proteins

Name Description Base Pairs
BBa_K2324002 pRha_FimH_22_His 1102
BBa_K2324001 pRha_FimH_22_SynMT 1474
BBa_K2324003 pRha_FimH_22_MouseMT 1489

Fim Operon

Name Description Base Pairs
BBa_K2324012 pJ23100_Fim_Operon 5944
BBa_K1850013 pAra_Fim_Operon 5874