The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) is the primary Department of Defense technical organization for non-medical chemical and biological defense, and is a subordinate command of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.
ECBC possesses an unrivaled chemical biological research and development infrastructure with scientists, engineers, technicians and specialists located at four different sites in the United States: Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Pine Bluff, Ark., Rock Island, Ill., and Dugway Proving Ground, Utah.
ECBC has a unique role in technology development that cannot be duplicated by private industry or research universities. It fosters research, development, testing, and application of technologies for protecting warfighters, first responders and the nation from chemical and biological warfare agents. ECBC is currently developing better ways to remotely detect these chemical and biological materials – before the warfighter or first responder ever enters the threat zone. ECBC is also developing a new generation of technologies to counter everything from homemade explosives to biological aerosols to traditional and non-traditional chemical hazards.
The Readiness Acceleration & Innovation Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Tacoma, WA. Working to unlock local innovation in the biotech/medical field, RAIN was founded as a collaboration between the University of Washington Tacoma, MultiCare Health System, and Madigan Army Medical Center. Together, we provide startups with significant support for ideation, research and development, prototyping, business development, and launch. In addition, the people and City of Tacoma are core partners in our efforts as we work together to create prosperity and well-being in our community.
Thinking many years ahead to what we are working to achieve, we envision our city and region as being a major industrial and commercial player in the Pacific Northwest life-science sector with a reputation for being the best in the wold at we we do. Through helping build a local innovation-commercialization pipeline and the prosperity that occurs as a result, RAIN will be inclusive, empowering, and inspiring to our community, friends, and neighbors.
The Center for Urban Waters brings together environmental scientists, analysts, engineers and policymakers who are developing creative and sustainable solutions to restore and protect Puget Sound. The founding partners – the City of Tacoma, the University of Washington Tacoma and the Puget Sound Partnership – are committed to providing a collaborative environment where the best-available science forms the basis for policy development and implementation. The Center for Urban Waters is the result of years of work by community leaders who dreamed of a world-class research center on Commencement Bay dedicated to finding solutions for urban bay communities.
United States military academy
The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army.
CDT Mitchell and CDT Buehrer are sophomores at West Point. During the summer of their freshman year they traveled to Tacoma, WA to work with members of the Cadets2Vets team to design the product that will be presented at the iGEM Jamboree in November of 2017.
Charles Wright Academy
Charles Wright Academy is a private school in the Tacoma, Washington area that serves students K-12 grade. The school features small classes, a safe campus, and a preparation center for college and life skills.
The Cadets2Vets iGEM team is honored to have four of Charles Wright Academy's best and brightest serve as Lab Members on their team!
Bellarmine Preparatory school
Bellarmine Preparatory School was founded under the leadership of the Jesuits. The school serves a a Catholic college preparatory school and is the only Catholic high school in the Tacoma, Washington area. The Cadets2Vets iGEM team is privileged to have Josh Grace as a Lab Member on their team.
University of washington-tacoma
A special thanks to UW Tacoma faculty and staff for allowing the Cadets2Vets iGEM the opportunity to utilize their lab, equipment, and facilities. Thank-you!
University of washington-tacoma
UW Tacoma is an urban-serving university providing access to students in a way that transforms families and communities. We impact and inform economic development through community-engaged students and faculty. We conduct research that is of direct use to our community and region. And, most importantly, we seek to be connected to our community’s needs and aspirations.