Anti-Cancer Toxin
Once a tumor environment has been recognized and colonized by our bacteria, the production of an anti-cancer toxin, together with an MRI contrast agent will be triggered. The module that we engineered to achieve this purpose includes an AND-logic synthetic promoter that recognizes the presence of high lactate and hign bacterial density in the tumor environment and allows the transcription of the anti-cancer toxin, azurin, and the MRI Contrast Agent, bacterioferritin, from the same operon (Figure 1).
For more details about azurin and its role in our system, go to our description of the Anti-Cancer Toxin.
Overview of the Experiments
Thanks to professor Markus Rudin and his team from the Animal Imaging Center at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering of ETH Zurich, we were able to perform experiments in a small-animal MRI scanner. To test the consequences of bacterioferritin overexpression in an MRI scanner, we transformed E. coli Nissle with a plasmid containing an AHL-inducible promoter (pLux) that controls the expression of both a green fluorescent protein (GFP) and bacterioferritin (Figure 2).
First, we determined the concentration of AHL needed for full induction of the system. To do this, we measured changes in fluorescence caused by different concentrations of AHL used for induction. Second, we performed an SDS-PAGE analysis to confirm that bacterioferritin was indeed expressed along with GFP after induction with the appropriate concentration of AHL. Finally, we grew the bacteria in an iron-supplemented medium to observe the consequences of bacterioferritin overexpression on the MRI signal.
To read more about each of these experiments, click on the buttons below. For a detailed protocol describing each experiment, visit Protocols.
Fluorescence Measurement to Obtain the AHL Dose-Response Curve
Determine the dose-response curve and the concentration of AHL needed for full induction of the system are by measuring the fluorescence after induction with different concentrations of AHL.
Biological triplicates of E. coli Nissle transformed with AHL-inducible promoter that controls the expression of bacterioferritin and GFP (Figure 2) were transferred in a 96-well plate and induced with twelve different concentrations of AHL (from 0 to 10-2 M). Fluorescence and absorbance were measured in a plate reader over a period of 4 hours. A detailed protocol is available inProtocols.
Based on measurements of fluorescence over time, a time point t = 200 minutes was chosen as representative of the plateau region. The relationship of fluorescence at that time point and the concentration of AHL used for induction was plotted to obtain the AHL dose-response curve (Figure 3).
After consultation with the modelling team, we decided to use 1E-4 M of AHL for full induction of the system in future experiments. The measurements should be made at t = 200 minutes after induction.
SDS-PAGE to Confirm AHL-Induced Expression of Bacterioferritin
The concentration of AHL needed for full induction of the system was calculated based on fluorescence measurements and the assumption that bacterioferritin is co-expressed alongside GFP upon activation of pLux (Figure 2). To confirm that bacterioferritin is indeed co-expressed, an SDS-PAGE analysis is performed.
Protein lysates were obtained from bacteria treated with different concentrations of AHL. To determine the concentrations of proteins, needed to prepare the samples for SDS-PAGE, Bradford protein assay was preformed prior to the SDS-PAGE analysis. A detailed protocol is available in Protocols.
To determine protein concentrations in the lysates via Bradford protein assay, a standard curve was first generated by using a protein standard, bovine serum albumin, and measuring absorbance of different dilutions of the standard. Second, absorbance of the unknown samples was measured and the results were fitted to the curve (Figure 4).
After determining the unknown concentrations, samples were prepared accordingly and subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis. Bands sized approximately 18.4 kDa (which corresponds to bacterioferritin) were visible in the samples treated with AHL. There were no bands in untreated samples or the negative control (Figure 5).
As expected, bands corresponding to bacterioferritin were visible in the samples induced with AHL. With this, to co-expression of bacterioferritin and GFP in the test strain for MRI experiments is confirmed.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Bacterioferritin-Expressing E. coli Nissle
To visualize the signal change in MRI caused by overexpression of bacterioferritin, bacteria are grown in iron supplemented medium and imaged in an MRI scanner.
Biological triplicates of E. coli Nissle transformed with the heme-deleted bacterioferritin (Figure 2) were grown in four different experimental conditions (with and without induction and with and without iron supplementation) and imaged in a 4.7 T small animal MRI scanner. A bacterioferritin-expressing E. coli Top 10 (T7lacO-bfr) was used to compare the effect of the heme-deleted bacterioferritin against the wild-type bacterioferritin. Additionally, a bfr-knockout E. coli K-12 from the Keio collection was tested. A detailed protocol is available in Protocols.
All bacteria grown in iron-supplemented medium showed a drop in the T2 signal intensity, independent of induction of bacterioferritin expression. However, once induced, our bacteria experienced an additional drop in the signal, as predicted. The results are depicted as changes in the T2 relaxation rate, therefore a larger drop represents an increase in the change from the basal level, determined by imaging the bacteria grown without induction and without iron-supplementation (Figure 6).
All the bacteria were resuspended and imaged in PBS, after washing of the culture medium. To test if any unwashed iron could mask the signal, the T2 relaxation rate was compared in pure PBS versus PBS supplemented with iron. Moreover, a bfr-knockout was imaged to see how much the endogenous bacterioferritin contributes to the signal when the bacteria are grown in the presence of iron. The results showed that the free iron in the medium only slightly changes the signal and should not interfere with the measurements. On the other hand, the bfr-knockout strain showed the same behaviour as the wild-type bacteria, suggesting that other iron-storage systems present in the bacteria contribute to iron uptake significantly (Figure 7). The differences in absolute values of the signal changes might be explained by the fact that different strains of E. coli were imaged. T7lacO-bfr is Top 10, pLux-bfr M52L is Nissle, while the bfr-knockout is K-12.
A decrease in signal intensity was observed for all bacteria grown in iron supplemented medium, probably due to presence of inherent bacterial iron-storage proteins. However, an additional drop in the signal was observed in samples where bacterioferritin overexpression was induced, as predicted. This result proves the usability of bacterioferritin as an MRI contrast agent in vitro and confirms the potential to use it as an in vivo reporter of tumor sensing.
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