Team:Szeged SA RMG/collaboration


Aachen (2014)

For controlling the efficiency of the newly developed methane biosensor, it was necessary to have an equipment as reference. Therefore, we looked for former iGEM teams who dealt with methane and might have a basic gadget which is able to determine the concentration of methane. The iGEM Braunschweig ( modified E. coli in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. They intended to place these bacteria in cow’s rumen, which is a serious source of methane emission, where the bacteria would have transformed methane into non-greenhouse gases. They wanted to know how much their bacteria can reduce the methane emission, therefore, they created collaboration with iGEM Aachen (, and thanks to this collaboration, they was given a low-cost DIY methane sensor (

We liked the construct very much, so we asked Team Aachen for the plans and the program of the sensor and we received valuable help, which we appreciated very much. Thank you!

UNebraska-Lincoln 2017

To be able to finalize our construct, it was needed to have an effective promoter, which can be used in the bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus. We inquired whether they know a possible promoter, and hopefully it was not an unknown question to the UNL 2017 Team. Thank you very much!