Team:Cardiff Wales/results

Our Results

Provide links to part pages grouped around different projects. luc plate, gel, tobacco picture

During our project, we had three smaller teams within our main team. Each of these teams had different but interlinked objectives, and consequently resulted in different sets of results. The results of each team are shown with descriptions on this page.

Team Luciferase

Team luficerase created the 35S:Luc+:NosT construct , and quantified the 35S promoter using a luciferase reporter assay.

This photo shows the DNA gel that showed the level 1 reaction to create the 35S:Luc+:NosT construct had worked. The DNA solution that this was taken from was later sequenced to confirm that the construct was correct.

This image shows leaf discs taken from plants infiltrated with Agrobacterium containing the 35S:Luc+:NosT construct. The red regions show high levels of luciferase expresion.