

-Made a list of things to order for the future: IMPORTANT; CANNOT DO YED-ARG PLATES WITHOUT MATERIALS
-Printed most of the protocols; they are located on the lab bench when needed.
-Made LB, LB amp, and YED plates
       Note: LB amp plates did not turn out as well as the others; will reattempt on 6/13/2017
        One red stripe → LB plate
        One red stripe with one blue stripe → LB Amp plate
        One black stripe → YED plates
-The plates have been left on the bench overnight; they will be put in the fridge tomorrow morning. Jason had cleared out a spot for us in the Glick fridge for our use!

-Task List:
        -Make LB and YED broth
        -Program PCR protocols
        -Autoclave dirty glassware
        -Use pOW1 to test plating concentrations (do we have pOW1? If not, order or ask Jason?)
        -Still haven’t met the glassware cleaning lady
        -Mark all glassware iGem
-Redid the LB-amp plates
-Made the Drop-Out plates (-Arg)
-Talked to Shannon about cleaning our glassware
-Labelled our glassware
-The petri dishes are in the fridge (all made within the last two days)
-Messaged Steve about the pOW1 plasmid
       Plan on doing pOW1 tomorrow

-Task List:
        -Plating Concentrations of pOW1
        -The idea of plating concentrations:
        Aseptic Laboratory Techniques: Plating Methods
-Learned how to use the Nanodrop
-Made two stocks of 500 mL LB media (1000 mL total)
-Spread six different DNA concentrations of the 126 ng/μl plasmid sample (AJ43) Jason gave us onto LB + amp plates
-Left these plates overnight in a 37℃ incubator
       Plate 1 = negative control (no DNA, contains 50 μl EB and 50 μl competent cells)
       Plate 2 = 453.6 ng DNA (3.6 μL DNA, 46.4 μL EB, 50 μL CC)
       Plate 3 = 315 ng DNA (2.5 μL DNA, 47.5 μL EB, 50 μL CC)
       Plate 4 = 239.4 ng DNA (1.9 μL DNA, 48.1 μL EB, 50 μL CC)
       Plate 5 = 201.6 ng DNA (1.6 μL DNA, 48.4 μL EB, 50 μL CC)
       Plate 6 = 163.8 ng DNA (1.3 μL DNA, 48.7 μL EB, 50 μL CC)
-Took a small sample of pOW1 (in frozen bacteria) from stock in the -80℃ fridge
-Put the pOW1 into 5 mL of LB + amp liquid media (1 μL ampicillin / 1 mL LB)
-Left the sample in the 37℃ shaker overnight to incubate

-Task List:
       -Mini-prep the pOW1
       -Transform the isolated pOW1 DNA into competent cells
       -Spread the competent cells on LB + amp plates
       -Leave these plates overnight in a 37℃ incubator
-Retrieved the AJ43 plates