Human Practices
Our Goals
To consider the ethical consequences of the clinical use of CRISPR we have attempted to create a dialogue with individuals who represent diverse cultural, economic, and religious backgrounds. Through this dialogue we hope to provide a diverse understanding of the manner in which this technology will shape, and is shaped by, the political and social landscape of Canada. In addition, a series of case studies will address the various challenges involved in the use of CRISPR in the public sphere.
Our team also seeks to engage a broader public in dialogue on synthetic biology by making it more accessible in three ways.
The first is by educating and engaging high school students through a summer camp which incorporates activities such as protein modeling, coding, and case studies. Through this camp we seek to provide practical skills to students and foster an interest in synthetic biology and introduce the social impacts of it.
The second will pair scientists and artists for a daylong Iconathon event. Not only will the icons created through this event be used to enrich the currently meager synthetic biology icon repository, it will also act as a way to educate artists about synthetic biology in an interdisciplinary fashion.
Finally, a five episode podcast related to synthetic biology will engage industry professionals, specialists, and our own team members to educate a wider audience.
In the hopes of educating a typically scientifically uneducated public and to address a lack of biotechnology related icons we hosted a day long Icon-a-thon. The unique and attractive icons can be found in the wiki and are a testament to the need for diverse ways of reaching out to the public.