Team:INSA-UPS France/Attributions


For the nine of us, iGEM is the biggest project we’ve ever been part of. Yet, as dedicated and hard-working as we are, our Croc’n Cholera project wouldn’t have been possible without all the help we received. We feel blessed thinking to all of the people that advised, supported and believed in us, whenever we needed help (some of them literally came at our rescue!). We believe that talking to so much people from so many backgrounds really represents the iGEM spirit. Let’s call this our personal little reward.

For all of you who helped us throughout this awesome adventure, thank you very much!

General acknowledgments

First and foremost, we want thank our amazing PIs and all of our instructors who followed us relentlessly from the beginning to end : brainstorming, designing, experimenting, writing, presenting,... Basically all the aspects of our project!

  • Stéphanie Heux
  • Brice Enjalbert
  • Pierre Millard
  • Régis Faure
  • Anthony Henras
  • Yves Roméo
  • Florence Bordes
  • Cédric Montanier
  • Marie-Pierre Escudié

When you work on a scientific project, it’s better if you can go and experiment in a lab... We would like to thank the Biochemical Engineering Department of INSA Toulouse for letting us use the their labs the whole summer, with all the basic equipments.

Basic equipments are awesome, high tech ones are even better! That’s why, we want to thank the LISBP, along with the MétaToul and GeT-Biopuce technological platforms for letting use their efficient (and expensive!) technological resources : NMR analysis, nano-dropping, lyophilizer, etc.

For the same reasons, we want to thank the LBME for letting us use their lab for some important experiments (RTq PCR is the best!).

Finally, we would like to thank those who was here before us, members of the 2016 iGEM Toulouse Team, for advising us with their own experience.

Wet Lab helps

The first to enter the show is Sylvie Cancel, one of the Biochemical Engineering Department technicians of INSA Toulouse. Her help was incommensurable in the lab. She always tried to fix every little problems that we had. Also, we would like to thank her colleague Yves Dutruy for his help about basic equipments.

We couldn’t work on vibrios without contacting Bassler Labs. We would like to thank them for kindly giving us two strains of Vibrio harveyi : the WT BB120 and the mutant JMH626.

Thanks to a conference on Pichia pastoris, we come to know Diethart Matanovich. Many thanks to him for all the advice he gave us on this lovely yeast.

Also, we want to thank Marc Carnicer Heras for giving us one of his strains of P. pastoris (SMD1168).

You don’t transform V. harveyi, you conjugate it. We want to thank Céline Loot for advising us with conjugation mysteries.

On the same topic, Matthieu Arlat was also a great help. Many thanks for his help on conjugation protocol and for giving us conjugation plasmids : (pBBR1MCS-4, pBBR1MCS-5) and for the E. coli helper strain containing pRK2073.

And as we needed to work on E. coli first, thanks to Sylvie Reverchon for giving us the plasmid pBR322.

We want to thank all the researchers, technicians, PhD students of the LISBP, who helped us during our experimentations:

  • Thomas Lautier who let us use his electroporator.
  • Edern Cahoreau and Lindsay Peyriga for teaching us big parts of NMR analysis, and also for letting us have a free access to the -80°C freezer.
  • Haiyang Wu for letting us use some of her BL21DE3 competent cells aliquots and helping us for SDS-Page gels.
  • Floriant Bellvert for analysing our samples with mass spectrometry.
  • Sara Castano Cerezo for helping us with P. pastoris DNA cleaning protocol.
  • Christine Lafforgue-Baldas and Marie-Line Daveran-Mingot for giving us those very rare 6 mm disks for our toxicity tests and also, for teaching us how to take fluorescent cells photos from a microscop.
  • Mickaël Dinclaux for giving us 1000X M9 salts aliquots, we couldn’t make some as good as yours.
  • Mickaël Castelain and Nicolas Dietrich or helping us dealing with diffusion experiments with our prototype, scientific field remaining quite a mystery for us.
  • Sandrine Laguerre, our own goddess of statistic, who helped to pull relevant data out from our survey.

Humans Practices Supports

To begin with, we want to thank two amazing people for their deep involvement in our human practices strategy:

  • Thomas Lautier who gave us wise advice throughout all our public engagement actions. He knows how to explain biology to everyone, from elementary school children to interested adults.
  • Marie Pierre Escudié who knows how to use her great human sciences knowledge to build strong integrated human practices analysis. Did you know that ethic and matrix could be used in the same sentence?

Then, we want to thank members of the NGOs Doctors without Border and Unicef. Thanks to the help of Claire Salvador, Francisco Luquero and Alama Keita, we’ve been able to fully understand the current situation of the fight against cholera.

Last but not least, we want to thank the following people who helped us for our public engagement actions. It was a great experience to work with all of you!

  • Card game

We want to really thank Vincent Hoffmann and Julien Hypolite, who designed all the graphics of MicroBioWorld with a lot talent and patience. They were able to represent our wacky microbiologist ideas with their own humor and representations (an awesome association). Also, they gave us many advice to improve the gameplay. You guys are the best!

  • Elementary Schools interventions

Many thanks to the three teachers who let us inform children about microbial diversity and basic science technique. Lakanal School: Alice Matricon. Patte d’Oie School: Nicole Bach and Martine Durand. We would like to also thank Mallaury Wolff, the one who made us get in touch with those three teachers, and Marc Zanoni. Both of them helped us to create our education intervention.

  • High school practical work

We want to thank Pierre Paul Riquet High School for allowing us to introduce students about bacterial cloning. We thank all the biology teachers team, and in particular Muriel Grandjean, for helping us designing our intervention and and advising us on our pedagogic approach.

  • ExpoScience

We want to thank the Cirasti association and Marième Leygonie for allowing to participate to their local scientific event. Banana DNA Extraction is so fun!

  • Exhibitions

We want to thank Laetitia Guillard, Anne-Laure Aymard and Huguet Emeline for helping us organize our exhibition on all the iGEM Toulouse projects from 2013.

  • Seminar

For this one, we want to thank very much Kaymeuang Cam for coming to our rescue while we needed a room on campus to organize our seminar. Also, many thanks to all of our speakers:

  • Kaymeuang Cam (IPBS)
  • Gilles Truan (LISBP)
  • Bettina Couderc (CRCT)
  • Vincent Grégoire-Delory (TWB)
  • Sarah Guiziou (iGEM Toulouse 2013)
  • Benoît Pons and Marine Pons (iGEM Toulouse 2015)
  • Manon Barthe and Camille Roux (iGEM Toulouse 2016)

Entrepreneurship advice

We would like to give special thank to the CEO of Sunwaterlife, Christophe Campéri-Ginestet, who helped us to carry out our project in many ways : help to design the shape of our device, supply of filtration membranes, intermediary between Unicef and us and of course financial support.

We would like to thank very much Pierre-Alain Hoffmann, deputy director of the CRITT Bio-industries of Toulouse, who built with us our business plan and was always cheerful and motivated while working with us.

About our device, we want to thank Emmanuel Tainturier from Mitsui and Co, who believed enough in us and our project to send us a sample of the TPX material.

In addition, it is important for us to thank Jean-Jacques Dumas for helping us design a SolidWorks model of our device and print it in 3D at Georges Cabanis High School. We couldn’t think of a better way to illustrate our work on the device.

Last but not least, we want to thank Marc Lemonnier, CEO of the firm Antabio, who gave us precious advice about the launching of a startup.

Wiki drawings help

In this category, we just had one and only help: we want to deeply thank Sara Dumas who spent her whole summer drawing for us. She is the real mother of Sobki, and author of all the crocodile illustrations on our wiki. She is a real artist!

Fundraising help

Fundraising is big part of our project, because every iGEM Toulouse Team starts from nothing. It is very important for us to thank those who helped us dealing with actual and potential sponsors:

  • Yoann Louis from INSA Lyon who coordinated everything with the INSA Lyon Foundation with a great efficiency.
  • Kaymeuang Cam from Université Paul Sabatier who helped us to save a lot of time while dealing himself with the various faculty departments.

Communication advice

Coming from a scientific faculty and engineering schools, communication was quite a mystery for us. Thus, we would like to thank very much Christelle Labruyère for all her precious advice. Also, we want to thank all of the communication staff of our three faculty/schools for helping us reaching several media.

In this way, many thanks to all the journalists that came in the lab to discover our work and write a newspaper page on us:

  • Anaïs Mustière (La Dépêche)
  • Juliette Demey (JDD)
  • Julie Rimbert (Aujourd'hui en France)
  • Raphaëlle Talbot (Actu Toulouse/Côté Toulouse)
  • Stéphane Iglésis (France Info)
  • Hélène Menal (20 minutes)

Unclassifiable supports… Yet very important !

Great thanks to:

  • Noelle and Victor Gameiro for their warm welcoming at the heart Paris during the Parisian Meetup.
  • Babeth Zanoni and her delicious Nalzen lasagna.
  • Sylouan Pascard for giving us a great place to buy French berets.
  • Mallaury Wolff for helping us filming our iGEM video “This Is A Cursed Lab”.
  • Matthias Blayez or helping us on the final scene editing of our iGEM video.