

General Safety procedures:
The Dalhousie iGEM team completed the biosafety training and WHIMIS prior to starting the project. The biosafety and WHIMIS is an extensive biosafety online training that guides the student through many fields of safety in the lab. The online modules addressed:
- personal protective equipment (such as gloves, lab coats and safety goggles) in which our team has been committed to
- Chemical waste: all waste was autoclaved and disposed in its appropriate container by members of the Dalhousie iGEM.
- Laboratory acquired infections:
In addition to the general safety training, the Dalhousie iGEM laboratory was equipped with 2 fire extinguishers, a spill kit, eye wash stations, and a safety shower.
All Dalhousie iGEM members have successfully completed the online training and obtained their WHIMIS and biosafety training. The team also underwent subsequent laboratory training pertaining our project.

Project specific safety procedures:
The Dalhousie iGEM mentors conducted multiple dry workshops to go through project specific laboratory protocols with all members prior to conducting any experiments. After that, all members were trained for all protocols at the supervision of the mentors in the laboratory.
In addition, our project required some additional safety measures such as
- Operating a UV light box: Our project required the use of a UV light box to visualise the PCR product for cloning, therefore training on how to use the UV was essential to avoid burns and the over exposure that might lead to cancer.
- Bunsen burners: Aseptic techniques were required for sterile bacterial growth therefore members only turned on the gas of the Bunsen burners when necessary and turned off when done. All flammable materials were kept away when the Bunsen burner was on and personal protective equipment where worn at all times.
- Bacterial culture handling: Our project only used Escherichia coli in Risk Group 1 which are low risk bacteria that do not cause any disease in healthy individuals.