We sent team BGIC-UNION some of our parts, including CAHS1, 2 and 3 since they intend to desiccate their product—the Dcas9-T7Coupled DNA Sensor using mechanisms of our proteins. Therefore they are able to achieve the difficulty faced in storing and transporting their kit, further increasing the practicability of their product. We transformed our parts into xxxx before posting to them.
Shenzhen SFLS
At an attempt to strengthen communication and connection between existing few high School iGEM teams in China, Shenzhen_SFLS and us co-organized a high school igem conference on 8.19-8.20. We were honored to invite Dr. Haoqiang Zhang, the representative of iGEM in Asia, at the conference, at which he provided lots of precious and pragmatic suggestions for fledgling high school igemers. We were also honored to have experienced seniors from collegiate iGEM teams in China, including SUSTech_Shezhen, SZU-China and SCAU_China.
SUSTech Shenzhen
On 4th of July, we were invited to visit the campus of collegiate team SUSTech_Shenzhen. After informative presentation of both teams, the experienced senior iGEMers and our team members had a very inspiring and informative discussion on how to improve our project and presentation. We then had the opportunity to visit their lab and spectate the experimental procedures of microinjection used in their project with roundworms. The design of technical apparatus and precision of operation fascinated all our teammates and inevitably stimulated deeper curiosity in the field of synthetic biology.
SMS Shenzhen
Similar to BGIC-UNION, another high school team in the same city ask for our part CAHS to perform desiccation to their product—a pesticide targeting Coccoidea for real life application that involves storage and transportation. We sent our parts by…