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Synbio is just a S-Din away!

SYSU-Software 2017


This year, 2017 SYSU-Software team members are up to 26 to satisfy the need of a grand project. Each one of them are the best of their own major. From sophomore to senior, the members come from school of Life Science, Date and Computer Science, Mathematics, Communication and Design, Electronics and Information Technology.

Our instructors Prof. Yang Jianhua and Prof. Ren Jian gave their professional advice on how to design a software and running a project. Other advisors and professors from Sun Yat-Sen University also offer precious suggestions. Our previous iGEM Team members showed their experience that help us a lot.

Biology Group

Li Tianqing

Zheng Yimin

Lai Mengzhi

Liang Yuyun

Lv Yanrong

Man proposes, God disposee.

Wang Ruijie

Lin Jinran

Wang Ziwei

Xiong Jinghua

Li Zheng

Guan Jingyi

Kang Ziqi

Ni Haochen


Li Xiang

Zhang Jiawei

Zheng Shucheng

Wang Xiaoxi

Xue Mingqi

Modeling Group

Fu Xingyu

Dai Wei

Dai Wei


Zhou Taoli

Guo Yadi

Cai Peiqin


Lu Xiangwan

Wang Ying

Nie Peng

Xu Weilin

Feng Xiao

Dai Shengkun

Wu Ziming

Yao Nan


Yang Jianhua

Ren Jian

Zhang Yan

Lu Yongjun

He Xionglei

Huang Shengfeng

Zheng Lingling

Zhang Yongdong


December 20 -December 25, 2016

Xu weilin, Yao Nan, Nie Ziyan, Li Tianiqn, Feng Xiao, Dai Shengkun interviewed the candidates of biology group.

Dec 30,2016 -March 14, 2017

All the biology group members attend to the courses lectured by previous team members during which the biology group developed several original ideas on what to do for the main project.

March 20, 2017

Li Tianqin took the responsibility as the student leader this year and gave the original project proposal to the Dean of School of Life Science of Sun Yat-Sen University for fundraising and getting advice.

April 20, 2017

Li Yuzheng, Lin Xiaoya, Wu Ziming, Li Tianqin, Nie Ziyan and Shen Zhongyue interviewed the candidates of the program development group and accepted 5 of them as the core members of the team. Meanwhile, Zheng Shucheng started to take responsibility as the leader of the program development group.

April 8 - April 30, 2017

Collaborated with NJU-China for doing the background analysis of their project and also consulted them for the unsolved software requirement of an iGEM team or synthetic biologist may have which laid a solid foundation of S-DIN.

May 3 - May 6, 2017

Li Tianqin, Shen Zhongyue, Zhang Zijie, and Feng Xiao interviewed the candidates in mathematics major and accepted two of them as the model group.

May 8, 2017

Li Tianqin, Shen Zhongyue, Nie Ziyan interviewed 8 candidates of the design group and accepted three of them as offical members of the team.

April 11 -June 20, 2017

Weekly meeting and discussed the specific requirements for the main project. Meanwhile gathering the requirements from the collaboration and the human practice activities.

June 1 - July 20, 2017

Li Tianqin and Wang Ziwei brought up the idea of doing a computer game for popularizing synthetic biology.

Xue Mingqi developed the web-based game.

Cai Peiqin designed the UI of the game.

July 20, 2017

Zheng Yimin started the Interlab Study.

July 21 - October 12, 2017

Wang Ziwei, Wang Ruijie and Lv Yanrong validated our software through an real synthetic biology project in experiment.

July 30, 2017

All members in biology group started to gathering previous iGEM and synthetic biology paper data.

May 21 - July 31, 2017

All the members discussed on all the specific requirements on the main project and consulted our instructors and advisors on the practibility of our project.

Model group bulit the mathematic model for simulation a designed work.

May 24 - October 12, 2017

Collaborated with SCUT-China_A for validation our simulation part through their experiments. Besides, the program group also helped them to troubleshoot their image processing software.

Augest 6 - September 29, 2017

Front-end and Back-end development; model implementation.

Auguest 20, 2017

Finished the Interlab Study.

September 5 - October 10, 2017

Collaborated with Hong_Kong_HKUST and built a visualization tool for them.

September 19 - October 15, 2017

Wiki and poster designed by the design group.

October 1, 2017

All team members participanted the presentation to our instructor Yang Jianhua, Ren Jian, Zhang Yan and provided advice.

October 15- October 20, 2017

Wang Ziwei, Guo Yadi, Cai Peiqin, Zhou Taoli designed and made the cartoon video for our project.

October 20, 2017

Judging Form completed.

October 21, 2017

Biology group finished the expansion data to the database; make a demo for using our project.

Octorber 29, 2017

Final check for the wiki and the main project.

November 1, 2017

Transfer the ownership of github repo to iGEM; Wiki and Code freeze.

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Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
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