Our Results
During our project, we had three smaller teams within our main team. Each of these teams had different but interlinked objectives.
Below we have outlined the main achievements of those projects:
1.Generation of novel Phytobricks
We successful generated a range of phytobricks that have been submitted to the registry and can be utilised by future iGEM teams who are interested in using the plant expression systems in their projects. Details of these phytobricks can be found on our Basic and Composite parts pages.
2.Generation of a new molecular tool to test the efficacy of tobacco inflitration
Team Luciferase created the 35S:Luc+:NosT construct , and quantified the activity of the 35S promoter using a luciferase reporter assay. These assays are detailed on the Part Experience page.
This image shows leaf discs taken from plants infiltrated with Agrobacterium containing the 35S:Luc+:NosT construct. The red regions show high levels of luciferase expression. This part can now be used by other teams in the future as a control when performing luciferase reporter assays.