Project description

1. Overview- Gastrointestinal Disease

Brief introduction of the disease, how wide and how severe(e.g.death rate), usually not fatal, but there are rare cases existing, and our goal is to develop a quick and effective therapy to fight against one of the special cases.etc.

2. Special Case- S.aureus colonization

1) Description:

Apart from the enteritis caused by S.aureus toxin, there is another possible s.aureus infection, of which S.aureus would colonize in human intestine and form strong biofilms. The symptom can be severe: Fever, diarrhea, dehydration or even shock.

2) Target Groups:

All population has the chance to get infected, but IBD patients seem to have higher risks due to their immunocompromising and the hospitalization environment.

3) Current Situation of the Case:

Abuse of antibiotics which may result in MRSA development; Antibiotics may not be very efficient; Cost a lot and patients suffer a lot.etc.

3. Newly-discovered Anti-microbial Peptide

Brief introduction of amps, their advantages towards antibiotics, the mechanisms when killing pathogens. Introduction of DRGN1, by whom, where and when, which species, structure and features, effectiveness towards S.aureus, not yet been synthesized in bacteria.etc.

4. Probiotics

Introduction of probiotics, the reason why using it as a host.etc.

5. Delivery

Enteric capsules or enteric micropelets, to avoid

6. Our New-born Therapy

Combination of 345, qs and anti-biofilm enzymes.etc.

7. Future Application

Together with anti-diarrheal medicine, produced in pharmaceutical industry Together with intestinal nanobots, for detecting, medicine delivery and real-time effectiveness monitoring.etc.

8. Reference