Team:Baltimore Bio-Crew/Attributions


Bio-Engineering E.Coli To Degrade Plastic and Save The Baltimore Inner Harbor

General Support

The Baltimore Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS), a DIY community lab space, is where we spent most of our time working on this project. Dr. Tom Burkett, the founder of BUGSS, provided us with space and lab equipment, and many of the materials, reagents, and enzymes needed for our work in the lab were provided by BUGSS.

Project Advisor support

A while before the Jamboree, we presented our work to all of the members at BUGSS' open house event. They listened to what we had and gave us useful advice on how to make our presentation better.

Presentation coaching

We put together our poster and oral presentation. Then had feedback from members of BUGSS, the members of the University of Maryland College Park IGEM team, and scientists from the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) who advised us on public speaking.


The VWR foundation, the Becton Dickinson Medical Technology, the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, Maryland Recycling Network, and the Family League of Baltimore provided us with grants, and BUGSS covered the rest of the cost.