Team:Calgary/Applied Design


Applied Design

Considering alternative applications of human feces on Mars

The current solid human waste management system on the international space station includes dehydration and storage. Meaning that the system attempts to recover all the moisture from feces and afterwards stores the remaining solid material in the vacuum bags which are in turn stored and shipped back to earth (where the solids are burned). It is essential to recover as much liquid from the feces as possible, as water is a precious resource in space and should ideally be fully recycled.

There are a couple of applications for the use of feces on Mars, however no system for complete recycling of water and nutrients from the waste had been proposed yet. Dr Pascal Lee (NASA Armand Dr Robert Thirsk have both mentioned that one major proposed application for human feces on Mars is Ionic Radiation Shielding. Feces are suitable since they contain a lot of hydrogen atoms and hence create a neutron shield. Keeping these comments in mind we have proposed to use torrefaction (mild pyrolysis) as a way to process the solid remains from the solid-liquid separation step. The advantages of employing torrefaction as the by-product treatment process is the production of chemically stable char, which does not support biological activity and can be used in radiation shielding, as a building material, as a substrate for food production and as a storage of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Additionally torrefaction allows the production of pyrolytic water (chemically bound water) meaning greater water recovery, which is essential to close the water system loop.

This means that our system can exist without compromising the existing feces applications.

Developing the process specifically for space travel

Shooting for the development of a process applicable to space travel we decided to contact professionals in the industry to get their advice and guidance. Chris Hadfield (Canadian Astronaut) and Mattew Bamsey (runner up to become a Canadian astronaut and an engineer by profession) have both highlighted the importance of stating our assumptions regarding the environment, capacity, human waste generation rates, mission duration and power availability. For more information on how we used their advice please visit the integrated human practices page.

In order to gain a better understanding of space travel, mission parameters and the human body functioning the engineers on the team examined the Life Support Systems Baseline Values and Assumptions Document (BVAD) (Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015) which was recommended to us by Mattew Bamsey. The document was developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in order to provide a set of guidelines to be used by researchers across the USA and thus allowing the proposed systems to be easily comparable and ensure that they are capable of withstanding the same duration, loads and conditions.

In order to develop a solution for Martian colonies application it was crucial to take into account the comments from the professionals.

  • Analysis of the existing solid human waste management processes in space is important to prove that the proposed system doesn’t compromise better waste application
  • Considering the volumetric, power and weight footprint
  • Creating an easily accessible and maintainable system
  • Automatization

Assumptions developed by the engineering team:

Crew-size: The maximum (6 people) crew size from the BVAD is used for the calculations.

Duration: Our system is developed for the Nominal Surface habitat duration from the BVAD: 600 days (Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015)

Table1: Martian missions duration ((Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015)

Feces production: The maximum value for the feces mass (150g/CM-d) and volume (150ml/CM-d) is used to design system parameters and load capacity, while the nominal value (123g/CM-d and 123ml/CM-d) is used to make predictions for water recovery, VFA production and PHB production (Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015).

Table 2: Average feces production per Crewmember per day. (Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015)





Mass (g/(crew-member)/day or g/CM-d)




Volume (ml/CM-d)




Energy Availability:

Another important assumption/consideration suggested by both: Pascal Lee and Matthew Bamsey was the power sources availability on Mars. It was noted that the power requirement of our system should be attainable using the current power production technology developed for Mars, as well it should be no larger than the power requirements of other systems currently used on the ISS and/or suggested for the Martian application.

Based on BVAD (Anderson, Keener, Ewert & Wagner, 2015) current solar technologies can provide 28 to 100kW electric. The nuclear solutions have the power output ranging from 16 to 550kW electric. We can assume a 100kW of electricity to be generated by one solar panel. However, Pascal Lee had assured the team that assuming the availability of nuclear power generator on Mars is totally valid, since their high energy production would eventually be employed on Mars.

Process component selection criteria

The proposed PHB production system can not be imagined as a single component system and hence it was important to create a way of comparing different proposed process and evaluate the feasibility of implementing them in space and on Mars. To do so the team employed the Equivalent System Mass (ESM) Guidelines (Jones, Fisher, Delzeit, Flynn & Kliss, 2016).

ESM is the tool often used by the NASA agency to evaluate different advanced life support systems, or its individual components. It allows to convert parameters like power, cooling requirements, volume and crew-time commitment to a single unit of mass (kg). This is achieved by multiplying each requirement/parameter by the equivalency factor. The aim of the analysis is to provide each system in consideration with an ESM number (kg) and then choose the system with a lower value, since it would mean more economical and feasible solution. ESM formula used by our team is a simplification of an original formula found in the ESM Guidelines document published by NASA:

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It was chosen to remove the crew-time parameter from the equation due to the difficulty in estimation and lack of data, however to account for the missing component of the equation the maintenance requirements for all systems were examined outside of the equation.

Table 1: The equivalency factors were recovered from the Life Support Baseline Values and Assumptions document, table 3.4: Mars Mission Infrastructure “Costs” (assuming surface time parameters) (Jones, Fisher, Delzeit, Flynn & Kliss, 2016):

ESM equivalency factors (Martian surface time)


nominal value

Shielded volume



unshielded volume






thermal control



crew time



According to the Baseline Values and Assumptions for Advanced life support systems document the nominal long-term duration of Martian missions is 600 days, and therefore the ESM calculations would be performed with this duration in mind.

The other parameters which were considered when choosing a system component were ease of maintenance, spares and consumables requirements, the by-product stability and usability. As such the process was more favorable if it could be fully automated and if it would produce stable by-products which could be used on Mars.

Feasibility of system implementation in space

The following table allows easy comparison of the power requirement of the system to the currently employed processes on Mars. It can be noted for example that the total power Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) is 5.31kW assuming constant operation, while our “safe” estimation for the system power requirements is around 2.8kW with only 0.566kW of power being used continuously.

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Design iterations

The design was constantly changing and evolving based on the experimental results, system requirements updates and the advice received from experts. Visit the process pages to learn about iterations of different stages of the system.

Total system ESM Estimations

The following table summarizes the design parameters and calculates the total system ESM. The Data Sources tab outlines the origins of each design parameters.

Process Stage

mass (kg)

consumables mass (kg)

power (kW)

volume (m^3)

consumables volume (m^3)

storage tank + pumps






VFA fermentater tank






Centrifugal Separation +filter






stirred tank bioreactor






self-cleaning filter


















ESM (kg)=



(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) visit the VFA fermentation page for the detailed descrption of apparatus and the calculations for each of the parameters. (7) Mass = mass of table top centrifuge (5kg) + mass of the pump (30kg) (8) Russel Finex brochure on the centrifugal separators (9) Russel Finex centrifugal separator brochure (10) Soulre Xcellerex bioreactor site preparation guide. The total mass of the whole system is 100kg (including hardware, scales, cabels ad vessel) yet the instruction say that vessel can be lifted by hands, while the laptop needs to be mechanically placed (much heavier) --> the mass of the vessel is assumed to be 15 kg. (11) 100V * 3.8A = 0.38kW. Soulre Xcellerex stirred tank bioreactor site preparation guide. The power includes the analytical equipment power. (12) Soulre Xcellerex Bioreactor brochure (13) (14), (15) Eaton Self-cleaning filter brochure, page 36.

The following table summarizes different International Space Station support systems and their ESM parameters and values. The table is provided for the comparison purposes.

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It can be noted that the estimated system ESM compares well to the other available systems on the International Space Station. For example the total ESM of the Water Processor (WP) is 5,324kg. The feces collection and treatment would be a sub-system of the process thus meaning that it would only take a small fraction of the ESM value. Hence the estimated value of 581kg seems realistic and feasible for the space application.