Team:SMS Shenzhen

Project Description

I Background

Scale insects like to be parasitic on many kinds of fruit trees, flowers, and crops. For example, succulent plants, apricot, and apple trees attract them a lot. Besides, the honeydew they secrete can cause sooty mould, therefore, it is extremely important for farmers to prevent the rampancy of scale insects. They vary in appearance, but the common thing is that they all secrete a waxy coating as their “armor”.

However, now the way people use to kill the scale insect is not great and convenient enough. The most effective method is to inject pesticide into the trunk, so when the scale insect bites the trees, they would be killed. However, using chemical way would let them start to develop a resistance to a certain kind of pesticide, and there is a huge possibility that the whole food change would be changed and the ecological balance would be destroyed. In order to bring convenience and safe to farmers, we decide to create a special bio-safe pesticide, and make the killing process faster, stronger and better.

II Introduction

Our thought of this project comes from the basic structure of the scale insect. According to other researches, the thick shell of the insect is made of three different kinds of material: a layer of wax secreted by the insect, a layer of chitin, and a layer of protein. These substances compose the harsh shell of the scale insect. Since it is a combination of wax, chitin and protein, we consider that maybe we can decompose them layer by layer, and finally destroy its shell. Without its shell, it is extremely difficult for it to stay alive, and any kind of pesticide would be able to kill that insect easily and immediately. Therefore, we put this idea forward: decompose its shell layer by layer, and finally get the result that its harsh shell is destroyed.

Our design comes from the special characteristic of the scale insect. Since its honeydew contains sucrose, we plan to use sucrose promoter, which is pretty sensitive to sucrose. After sensing the existence of sucrose, it recognizes the scale insect and starts working. Besides, since this kind of insects always damage fruit trees and succulent plants, it is important that we should keep them safe while killing those insects. Otherwise, those fruits may be stained. Thus, we design a suicide process to let bacteria suicide after wipe out those pests. After killing the insect, bacteria would kill themselves because of the suicide gene. In this way, we can ensure that our method won’t affect any plants or fruits.