
Final Results


We demonstrated that each of the modules of our platform (extraction, amplification and detection of pathogenic RNA) is functional, although we did not yet fully integrate all the modules into a final product.

What worked

What presented issues


Our project CascAID is a universal solution for low cost, point of care diagnostics of infectious diseases. Currently, the available diagnostic tools are based on PCR, antibodies or microbiological methods which all need trained personal and lab equipments. Therefore, these methods are cost and time consuming. This gives rise to the need of developing effective, affordable and portable devices.

In our project, we first successfully replicated the Cas13a-based detection of RNA pathogens that was demonstrated by Gootenberg et al. Although this result is not novel, we thoroughly characterized the target detection limit for different bacterial and viral targets, from in vitro and in vivo sources, and proved the possibility to discriminate between viruses and bacteria with high specificity. We laid the groundwork for colorimetric read-outs that will add another layer of amplification in our cascade detection (gold nanoparticles, intein-extein and ssDNA amplification). Those readouts should allow for a practical readability of the diagnosis by the user without the need of digital analysis. Additionally, their amplification scheme should also lower the detection limit of the Cas13a without the need for pre-amplification of the target.

However, we worked in parallel on a scheme for amplifying the target using RPA and transcription. Although the reaction worked on paper, it did not work on chip due to the toxicity of the PDMS to the reaction. We built a fluorescence detector with high sensitivity to cost ratio, and used it successfully to detect Cas13a activity. However, the product itself needs to be redesigned for market distribution: in general, a fluorescence detector is not necessarily user-friendly, the extraction of the RNA on chip needs to be optimized, and the costs of the whole product must be lowered.

Nevertheless, we are glad to have created a functional platform that allows the detection of nanomolar concentrations of pathogens within 30 minutes. With our modular approach, we have shown at least proof-of-concept results for each part, and are confident that no fundamental gap prevents our platform from being usable, only optimization.


We still have some project sections that we need to improve in the future. We have therefore listed the following points that need to be optimized below.