Team:USNA Annapolis/HP/Gold Integrated

Integrated Practices

Implementing Suggested Improvements


Biology and the Military

CDR Yasuda and our team also discussed the harsh facts in the field of synthetic biology as it relates to the military, in that, one could engineer a biological organism for nefarious purposes. While many advances in synthetic biology have been focused on the positives such as, improving upon pre-existing shortcomings occurring in nature, some minds may focus on the fact that bad people could use synthetic biology techniques for nefarious purposes. He agreed with us that there is a misconception among the civilian population on how the military actually uses these biological advances. It is important to note that the military is using synthetic biology to defend our sailors and marines from harmful substances and not the otherway around.

A Podcast With Chad Yasuda

We sat down with LCDR Yasuda to get his opinion on the topic of biology and the military. Listen here as he provides us helpful insight!

In this section it would be nice to have a close up picture of someone from the group talking to a bunch of students or something, or maybe pointing to a volunteer who is asking questions.

person pointing

Event Photos

some nice pictures
Nice kids or something
some nice pictures
Park being happy
some nice pictures
bunch of people smiling
some nice pictures
People taking the survey
some nice pictures
Cassie or someone demonstrating something