Team:Judd UK/Pages/Medals



Team registered - Judd_UK will be participating in iGem 2017, and having a great time in Boston.

- Judging forms are here.

- Safety Forms have been filled out and completed.

- Wiki finished - here we are!

- 2 new Biobrick devices have been documented and have been submitted to the iGem registry; click here for info.

- Registry Part pages for the registry are formed and documented; click here.

- Click here for our attributions, detailing anyone who has helped us with anything.

- Poster and Presentation are both ready for the Jamboree.


- 2 new Biobrick devices have been documented and have been submitted to the iGem registry; click here for info.


- Collaborated with the University of Kent iGem team, helping with their lab work and them helping us with ours. Click here to see more.

Human Practices:

-We held a club called Bioblast to teach year 7s about synthetic biology. We also held a school assembly about iGem, detailing our work as a team and the purpose of iGem.

-Furthermore, we presented at two science conferences; one by Young Scientist’s Journal in Cambridge, and one local one, held by Tonbridge School, each of these detailing our project and the problems presented by iron deficiency and overdose.

-Finally, some of the team presented at our school Biology Society, and the sporty ones among us ran the Tonbridge Half-Marathon to raise awareness of Synthetic Biology.


Integrated Human Practices:

- We gave a presentation at the school’s Medical Society detailing the problems surrounding iron deficiency and anaemia issues.

-We held an interview with a consultant haematologist at Tunbridge Wells Hospital, in which we talked about the implications of our project, including the effects on healthcare in third-world countries and the health market worldwide.


- Modelled our system using hill equations and used the model to find the best value for initial FUR concentration. Click here for more.

-Improve an existing part – we characterised and improved a part from Evry 2013, which used RFP as their end reporter, whereas we are using amilCP, a blue chromoprotein. This means that the colour change, or lack thereof, can be seen regardless of light conditions.