High-Throughput Sequencing
To extract environmental DNA from fecal samples. This extraction will purify genomic DNA from prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells found in the fecal sample.
Concentration protocol to concentrate DNA isolating using the PowerFecal Extraction kit.
Illumina MiSeq Sequencing was used to identify the sequences of the 16S rRNA genes in the fecal samples. This step was undertaking by the Integrated Microbiome Resource at Dal. There protocol was provided to us.
This protocol was used by the Integrated Microbiome Resource to sequence the metagenomic DNA in our fecal samples from the porcupine, beaver, arctic wolf and coyote.
This protocol was used for analyzing the 16S Illumina Sequencing data from the illumina sequencer. Provided by the Integrated Microbiome Resource at Dalhousie University.