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</br></br></br>We are excited to have a chance to participate in the Fourth International Interlaboratory Study as a team in IGEM, 2017 and contribute our data as part of the GFP measurement. Interlab study requires us to transform eight plasmids into DH5α E.coli cell in order to measure OD 600 and Fluorescence of them as the time passes by. </br></br>
</br>1.Mea sure the Abs600 of both the LUDOX-S40 and water to obtain the correction factor. </br> 2.Measure the fluorescence of a series of diluted fluorescein to draw the fluorescein standard curve. </br>
Cell Measurement Procedure:
</br></br> 1. At first, we transform eight plasmids into DH5α E. Coli cell which include Positive control, Negative Control, D1-D6. After 12 hours, we pick one colony from each plate and inoculate each into a 50ml Falcon tube. </br></br> 2. After a 12 hours incubation, we measure the primary OD600 and dilute bacteria solution into an OD600 of 0.02. </br></br> 3. Finally, we measure the OD600 and Fluorescein every 2 hours and record the data into table.
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</br></br>1. It takes us much time to dilute the bacteria solution to the OD600 of 0.02. So the exact value of the concentration of bacteria solution may be incorrect. </br> 2. As a team composed of high school students, sometimes we feel confused in understanding the procedures and the theory behind the instructions. </br> 3. Since our data is very different compared to other teams’, maybe there are some improper operations or other mistakes in our study. </br> </br></br> Finally, we sincerely appreciate BGI for permitting us to use the plate reader.
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