We purchased a new Promega S30 kit to test our new Arsenic 2.0 plasmid. We compared this against Ars1.1 and the PArsRGFP 1.0 and 2.0.
The manufacturer’s protocol was followed, 10ng/uL DNA was used, and each well contained 2uL of master mix.
Again, there was no noticeable difference among the wells. Since this was a brand new kit, the reagents should be working. This suggests that our incubation method is flawed or that our DNA doesn’t produce a lot of GFP. One other possibility is that it does make GFP, but that the signal is very low. We may need to think about ways to modify the DNA circuit to improve the GFP signal. This could be through using a mutant GFP that is brighter, or replacing the ribosome binding site with one that recruits more ribosomes to the mRNA.