Team:TCFSH Taiwan/Attributions


We have visited some cosmetics storefront and logistic company. During our visit and interview, we gain some valuable suggestions and some positive feedback which our project would be useful.


Wei-Shin Chuang

Give us administrative help, help us deal with fundraising.

Chun-Chi Huang

Take us to the US to attend the giant jamboree.

Hui-Chun Li

Help us with our English problems, and check the mistake of our script.

Yung-Jen Kung

Provide us some valuable suggestions with our experiments, biobrick concept, and help us with most of our difficulties.


Wen-Liang Chen

Give us many ideas about the project, and help us with our collaboration.

Lei Wan

Helps us with our experiments, lends us some of the equipment we don’t have in our school.

Cheng-Ming Chang

Gives us some information of the temperature monitoring stickers that already exist. Also, helps us understand how low-temperature transport is carried out.

Chien-Chih Yu

Tell us how drugs are transported.



Help us understand what this competition is about, give us lots of help with our experiments. Also. Teaches us how to design a wiki page.

VEDAN corporation

Give us many data and directions for us to go. Help us understand how foods are delivered.

A convenient store

Tell us how were cargos delivered in our country, and give us some advice about food transportation.

Cosmetics company

Tell us how cosmetics are transported and gave us some directions for our products to apply on.

Mitsui O.S.K

Give us some transporting information, and filled up the questionnaire for us.

Polysciences INC

Tell us how chemical were delivered.