


1. Our team was already registered. We had a great summer doing our project and we are now looking forward to the Giant Jamboree.

    a. We have documented our project on our wiki page.

b. We have attributed all the work of our project correctly on our attributions page.

c. We have designed our poster elaborately and plan to present the poster in the Giant Jamboree, as a mediate of the communication with other teams.

d. We have prepared the presentation of our project for the Giant Jamboree.

e. We have documented the information of the improved or newly designed parts on the corresponding part’s Main Page we created in the Registry.

f. We have submitted the DNA samples of the improved or newly designed parts to the Registry.

  1. We have completed the safety forms about all the required aspects about our project.The attributions page on our team wiki page contains the attributions of all the work done for our project, clearly distinguishing the work done by the students of our team and others.

  2. We have participated in the Interlab Measurement Study.

    We have improved the characterization of some existing BioBrick Part and Device.


  • The data of the validated parts we made and use widely in our project is as follows:(parts的链接)

  • We have collaborated with other iGEM teams in meaningful ways and made contributions to projects of other teams. For example(此处简述collaboration的学校和主要工作,分为别人对我们的帮助和我们对别人的贡献两点简述). The detailed information can be found on our collaboration page.

  • The great amount of work we have done for integrated Human Practices has givenrise to the increasing interests of Synthetic Biology of at least xxx(大概的人数,几十or上百) adults from different fields, especially the fields of xxx and students. The aim ofour design is to lowering the barrier for people not in the Biology relatedfields, which was accomplished partly during the activities and fablabs(?) we held for Human Practice. Thedetailed information is as follows:

    HP 的工作,简述一下,这一条和gold的第一条都是HP,我重点在gold中写了。做HP的人看下如何能够着重强调突出我们HP的巨大意义。

  • Gold

    1. The great amount of work we have done for integrated Human Practices hasgiven rise to the increasing interests of Synthetic Biology of at least xxx(大概的人数,几十or上百) adults from different fields, especially the fields of xxx and students. The aim of our design is to lowering the barrier for people not in the Biology related fields, which was accomplished partly during the activities and workshop we held for Human Practice. The detailed information is as follows:

    2. We have improved the function of existing BioBrick Parts and integratedthe preexisting parts to ……(简述整合了之后做的一系列工作)

      We have improved xxx parts and integrated xxx parts to make xxx systems. The data of improved parts and the systems of integrated parts can be found through the following link.

    3. We have designed and implemented our project based on the insights we have gained from modeling. (描述如何从modeling中获得了哪些insights,如何指导和贡献了我们的project)

      The contributions of our model are documentedthoroughly on our wiki page.

      The detailed data can be found through thefollowing link:

    4. (描述我们的project如何work,convince the judge that our projectworks)