

This year, we are trying to create a visualized monitor which can detect two or even more factors.

To achieve our goal of visualization, we use chromoproteins as our reporter. Chromoproteins, containing different pigmented nonprotein groups, are known that their colors can be easily identified by naked eyes, so that we don't need to take certain equipment with us. Impressed by the excellent result that iGEM16_Imperial received, we decided to use small transcription activating RNAs (STAR) to control our circuits. We add specific terminators (STAR target or Target) before RBS to stop transcription, while a small RNA (STAR antisense or Antisense) can control the target to restart transcription.


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small CAT


In the way of searching for a tool to load our bacteria, we have tried many possibilities. Microfluid chip is too small to vision the color, dry bacteria might be hard to control. Finally, we found glass fiber filter to act as a loader, which means to conserve and shelter the bacteria.

Glass fiber filter has the exact pore size as the e coli. So, it we filtrate the culture solution through this filter, it will conserve the thallus and leave the nutrient liquid.

In this operation, we complete two additional purposes, condense and restrict the bacteria. When looking through the culture solution, it is hard to reckon some tiny color change because of the shallow concentration and the color of nutrient liquid. After condense onto this filter, many small color changes can be much easier be captured by camera or naked eyes. Also, we need a container to restrict and standardize the area to make it possible for analyzers to compare between different experiments.


To visualize the result of the protein, we planning to take picture and transfer the result by the image and RGB value and finally get the concentration. So, the APP ColorAnalyze we designed has two main functions, take photo samples and analyze the color.

When sampling photos, we got two methods. First, the APP can import photos from album, so we choose the pre-cut photos to calculate the color values. The cutting operation is controlled by users, so users cut off the incorrect edge and remain the sample by subjective opinion. Another way to select samples from the photo is setting the limits. Users can set a maximum and minimum value to restrict the RGB value. We use this method to get rid of the white background and dark dots.

When analyzing the color, there are many extraneous factors need control, the most important is the light change. We designed a box to insulate the environment, so that we can control the photoenvironment inside the box. Except for the box, we also develop a method to calculate the standard curve to avoid the environment interfere. Users let some bacteria react with the solution with standard concentration, and then we can reach the concentration of the sample by searching in the standard curve.


Working theory???