


During the last months we worked on several disciplines. Below you can find the notebooks of the lab work and the modeling part

Throughout the past few months we have tracked our progress in our notebook. Below we give a short overview per month including what we have accomplished that month and what kind of experiments we did. For a more detailed overview of the labwork, click on the arrow.

March - Building the Team

During this first month we divided the team roles and we started to brainstorm about project ideas and read a lot of literature for inspiration. Every week we had a meeting to discuss our progress and exchange ideas.

April - Constructing the Constructs

After a lot of brainstorm sessions we started to design our constructs and had meetings with our supervisors to finetune the idea. During the end of the month we started working on designing the DNA of the constructs. We also had a first session for our Human Practices as a preparation for SYNENERGENE at the end of the month.

The first round of gBlocks were designed in such a way that they can be used with the gibson assembly method. We used the cloning guide from iGEM team Eindhoven 2015 as a starting point. For detailed information on our protein design click here.

Week 1 - 03/04 - 07/04

The first draft of our idea was made and the two constructs were designed:
a 14-3-3 tetramer with a n-term GFP and c-term ExoS peptide & CT33 fused to a strep-tag and mCherry.

Week 2 - 10/04 - 14/04

Due to busy exam weeks we did not have a lot progress this week. However, we did have some meetings with professors to talk about our project and to finetune the idea. Especially developing a model to predict the behaviour of network formation was something that they were interested in.

Week 3 - 17/07 - 21/04

This week we had our first meeting with our supervisors about our two constructs. Several changes were made and we also had a small brainstorm about the eventual applications of our network. On the 21st we also went to The Hague for SYNENERGENE, more information can be found here.

Week 4 - 24/04 - 28/04

This week we started with designing the DNA of our constructs, in which we already were incorporating restriction sites to change the constructs if necessary. We also designed the constructs for different vectors, to be able to get a double expression.

May - First gBlocks ordered!

After a lot of work, redesign and adding details we ordered our gBlocks! We also got into contact with iGEM Potsdam, to see whether we could collaborate.

Week 5 - 01/05 - 05/05

This week we had a meeting with our professors to discuss the constructs we had designed so far. We got some feedback and we integrated this feedback into our constructs. We also looked into the literature to get more feeling for an eventual application.

Week 6 - 08/05 - 12/05

We also were busy working on the design of our constructs and had another meeting with our professors for some feedback. This week two of our team members also went to BCF career event, a career event for Bio, Chemistry, Food & Farma to look voor potential sponsors.

Week 7 - 15/05 - 19/05

We checked our constructs for secondary structures and we scrambled the 14-3-3 construct to make sure that we get 4 completely different monomers, to make mutation possible. Some members of our team also talked to Patricia Dankers (an expert at our university in supramolecular biomaterials, including hydrogels), about the feasibility of our gel as an application.

Week 8 - 22/05 - 26/05

We ordered our gBlocks! We also started designing primers for the linearization of our vectors. Also, a start was made for looking for literature for the model. Via Traci Haddock from iGEM HQ we also contacted iGEM Potsdam, to see if a collaboration would be possible.

Week 9 - 29/05 - 02/06

Testing of restriction enzymes already available on the lab.
